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If it is not dressed properly, it can collapse into a noose. A rope almost never breaks within the knot itself, but at a point just outside of the knot where the weight load of the knot is actually distributed. Reply: I had given links to various papers on Bowlines and knots in general. The tying point of a harness is one of the most fundamental point of safety in climbing and is the most frequently tested one. The Bowline knot [2018-06016: referring to Asheley's #1 hereafter, unless otherwise mentioned] used to be the most popular knot for climbers for a tying-in point to a harness. Suggested benefits of the bowline include being easier to untie after loading or when wet and frozen, and being possible to tie-in with only one hand. Try this : with the Yosemite Bowline, let the to-be-further-tucked (out through collar) tail *swing wide* so that it crosses the main line, AND THEN instead of tucking it on out through the collar, bring it back sharply through the main "nipping" loop; in this way, this further-tucked tail binds against the main line, helping to keep it snug, and it of course is wrapping around the tail. Should we ban screw-gate carabiners? Cheers all, sounds like a single bowline is enough. Yosemite Bowline knot is one of the most popular variant of Bowline knots used by climbers, notably for the harness tying-in point. Submitted by Mark Gommers (not verified) on Thu, 2018-07-26 03:43, Quote from Masa: You should remove your link to the alleged failure mode of Scotts locked Bowline because it is false. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Submitted by Mark Gommers (not verified) on Sun, 2018-06-10 03:45. Examples of secure Bowlines include: Scotts locked Bowline, EBSB Bowline and Lee's link Bowline; all of which are totally secure and stable. However, there is a significant risk for the knot. Presumably, when you use the word 'Bowline' - you might in fact be referring to #1010 Common Bowline. — Quest for climbing without avoidable risks, Submitted by masa on Wed, 2017-08-02 21:57. That person simply posted an experience that he was involved with - with a deliberately loosened knot and a deliberately induced snag. Bowline with yosemite finish and double fisherman's backup is wonderful. I have written to you before about this - but you choose to ignore my advice. No data is shared with Paypal unless you engage with this feature. It is sometimes said that if enough of a tail is left to tie a stopper knot, the stopper becomes unnecessary. Allowed HTML tags:

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