Shocking that an IO Inc product is at the bottom of the barrel. I dont care for the finger grooves, the chunky feel, or the bullets rattling in the magazine when they arent stacked just right. Did you ever lubricate the gun, or did you just load it and shoot it? One thing that was not improved over the original LCP, however, is the sights. Shoot to make the thug dead. The Manual says clearly not to dry fire the gun without snap caps. Lol, a very nice DAO, the new Gen is much lighter. you have to wear shorts with a tucked in shirt), the LCP II will be a great option. Caveat: I bought mine used, so I dont know if the previous owner had done any tweaking to get it that reliable or not, or whether a factory-fresh one would need any sort of break-in period. It is also the only 10 shot 9mm you can find that is truly small enough to pocket carry. The CM9 is a great gun. Both shoot about the same as far as low recoil. So I returned it to them, they replaced several worn parts and returned it. (not missed, as in missed the target, but missed as in I pulled the trigger for the follow up shot and nothing happened because it had not reset). Will eventually add a CW380 as a BUG and for times when the CM40 is just too big ha ha. There really is NO WAY to know if the rating is based on a real, objective assessment of the firearm. Here are some basic facts for the Ruger LCP II: In conclusion, the Ruger LCP II simply represents the beginning of the evolution of the .380 pocket pistol. Snicker. Shooting (And Finally Breaking) the SCCY CPX-2: I totally agree. Great sights, ability to change out to night sights and on and on. Sleek design, totally snag proof. I chose. Its easy to see why: .380 pistols are typically small enough to carry in the pocket, they are unquestionably smaller and lighter than competing 9mm single stack autos or .38 snubnose revolvers. Actually, the KelTec P11 is the same size, came first and holds two more rounds. Just like Fords. Encountered types on the old KT forums that whines like a little girl. Yeah, apparently without the server capacity to handle the resulting load increase, too. Any kind of ammo. Expand your opinion to something legitimate and/or constructive with first hand knowledge. And then the gall to refer to Jeremy who by the way did not bother to report that the upgraded model fixed all the issues with the first run. As soon as I saw the title I knew the Pico would be on the list. Regardless of your take on user ratings, I think you can safely ignore the bottom six guns and not worry about missing out on much. Its a joy to shoot. George have you tried a different ammo brand? I am surprised high point 380 & 9mm werent included in your list. The only guns to get near a 100 votes are the Beretta and the SCCY. That thing is a freaking beast of a gun in terms of durability (yes, I have seen torture tests of it). Oh well the TCP I had isnt top 5-it ran good for me. Reliability is certainly suspect with a few of the .380's. A 380 is about as wide as a 9mm. However it is about 1/2 as powerful, 1/2 the weight and velocity. For a very long time 9mm was considered the rock Voted by handgun magazine as a top pistol and great manufacturer. I was thinking the same thing as I read this article. A recoil spring system that not only sucks, but lends the thing to have constant and regular jams and FTF and FTEs. Could not disagree more with the articles 3rd selection, namely, the SCCY Industries CPX-2 (not to be confused with its predecessor which had issues of which were acknowledged by the company and subsequently corrected). Considering the price point of the SCCY, its fit, finish and functionality is excellent. This crowdsourced data points arent perfect, but if a product gets a statistically significant number of votes, we get a pretty good idea of how it stacks up thanks to the wisdom-of-crowds phenomenon. WebSome derringers, like the Bond Arms derringers, are brilliantly crafted guns. Not cheap, but beautifully crafted. Its not Remington R51 bad, but its a pretty lousy firearm. IT is NOT stiff at all. Quick Summary: Our Top Picks For 5 Best .380 Pistols in 2022 1. Personally have no experience with them but it is to each his own and have heard nothing but good about these pistols. But hey, thanks for calling regulars to this site a-holes. They claimed to have test fired it after repair. Im guessing a .40 S&W round is just too unpleasant to shoot in this uber lightweight polymer-framed pocket gun. Funny the SCCY was rated on 2 other surveys as one of the top 5 affordable and reliable pocket guns. Pick up a Taurus 738 tcp and it is super snappy vs the cw380. Think he went through that with customer service Ill give ya the mag though. Five for sure and nobody can show otherwise. And of course, they criticize all the brands that dont advertise with them. More than ever, the PPK is a statement of sophistication. The SCCY is even rated for +P ammo, in modest doses, according to the company. In contrast to this, the original LCP did not lock back on the final round. The Beretta APX has a 4.4 rating from 22 votes It sucks so hard that its suckage transcends space and time. I carry the SCCY more often and have cycled quite a few rounds through it. (Though they have better triggers than the early LCPs, thats not enough), You should try mine. The thing is about Cobras, hi points that people that call them junk have never actually researched the gun. TTAG has some of the worst reviewers in history. Maybe so few were sold they didnt make the list. The trigger reset does suck but its still a great gun. and wrote the entire line off. These are not military combat weapons. Very very inconsistent across the board for everything they make to not be considered really bad. You do that and you will find hipoints and cobras to work as they are intended. Anything In the Ring of Fire Family. Totally precision stainless steel receiver, chassis, guide rod, best sights in class, best take down in class, One of the most Mild mannered shooting guns made for that size. I still have the same problem. The guns with the lower number of people voting are probably irrelevant no matter what their scores are. yes the Masss might love them, but who the hell are the masses? Simple the heaviest with the most complicated recoil driven action. That being said my 9yr old daughter has no issue with 380 recoil in a 12ounce g How is the P3AT above the middle of the list? Nice little write up- and way to plug your site. Really disappointed in how this was presented. Great little pistol. Ruger LCR in 38 spcl +P. WebMAC Website & PrimaryArms website link: http://www.militaryarms.orgJoin Patreon and support MAC! I laughed when I got to the CM40. While the LCP II is still a small pocket pistol, Ruger made a number of improvements to it. Unfortunately, each of these pistols and others in their class suffer from a number of serious flaws. Everything they make are just wrought with problems. Oh, it fits my hand great too. Most people who love the P3-AT just carry it but dont use it. The small NAA revolvers make a good back up weapon, I own three of the little guns. Remarkable build quality. Hi points work if you use FMJ and clean and oil the gun. The list is pretty laughable, though, because drawing conclusions from such a tiny sample of unvetted ratings is deeply, deeply flawed. like any gun it can have its issues so can the SCCY but if you really look at it, compact light and Happy ending. But thats just me Not everyone places as much weight on user ratings as I do. Of all the firearm purchases you may make in your lifetime, a pocket gun is probably the one you can least afford to screw up. I know I hated my PF9 and would NEVER EVER buy any Keltec pistol again. Sorry, but NOT my Kahr. I live in Utah, so in the wintertime its a very high probability that Ill be wearing some type of glove. Worked fine til the last shot on the second reload. Surprised the Remington R51 didnt make this list. what a waste of time. You can hire chinese brokers to buy likes on Fakebook, and twitter followers by the thousands. Ruger LCP II 3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Built like a tank. Beretta did a fine job on the Pocket Pistol. Its manageable. WHAT ARE THE DISADVANTAGES OF THE .380 POCKET PISTOL? I limited this list to the bottom six guns to reduce room for disagreement and keep it simple. i used to own a keltec p11. Of course the gun was the new upgraded model. You mean like the crowd of voters that put Obama in office twice. On the plus side, the SCCY has a lighter trigger than the Kel-Tec P11 (which may explain the problem), but the P11 always goes bang. Totally agree. In +P it hurt my hand, so I went to regular 38 spcl. The Pico is a great gun. Also LCP.,,,, I think you would be hard pressed to find any thing this good for that price. You do not have one clue about what you are talking about. As a long, and I do mean long time P3AT owner, you must be one of those anti Keltec trolls that hated them from the start. I give them a failing grade because neither gun reliably goes bang each time you pull the trigger on factory ammo. I agree, the P3AT is my go to light carry gun. Ive been averaging one light hammer strike every magazine or two, that requires a second pull of the trigger to ignite, regardless of ammo brand. Id trust actual reviewers over internet voters. This gun is budget-friendly and chambered substantially (9mm). I think the wheel guns are less likely to have a problem. Yes, he and others are social media whizkids, but not firearm experts. I experienced none of that with my p3at but it was entertaining to read. Mine also runs well, and they feel really well made. Just my two. Therefore, if you want the slide to lock back, you need to use the magazines that were made specifically for the LCP II. I can do it blind folded. You find that to be an effective way to make friends and influence people? Ill definitely be checking it out. That could happen with any gun someone didnt ,maintain and hadnt tested out at the range. I bought one of the .380 Seecamps when they first came out. Yep and they give AKs a bad name with how terrible theirs are. Kahr makes a lot of pocket guns, and several of them rate really well. I have a KAHR CM40 and a CW40 and for their intended purpose they are great. How do they perform? The SCCY model CPX-2 is a fine lightweight pistol that shoots a stopper round 9mm. I have seen this kind of nonsense before but did not expect to see it here. Its not that the gun is too small, its that the trigger is much too close to the tiny grip. Wouldnt take much time for an employee or contractor of one of these manufacturers to buff up the ratings, or down rate a competitor. Also, I dont consider the CPX-2 to be a pocket pistol, nor should it be compared to some of the little single stack fluff-pieces the articles author referenced. . It is my favorite except the 15 ounce weight makes it have more recoil than a typical 9mm. Super long heavy pull, which is understandable on a DA only no safety gun. The sccy is a great budget pistol. Go to Genitron and compare.And very little muzzle flip. 8===D~. How is this journalisim? So, pocket guns being inherently hard to shoot and prone to limp wristing will experience failures. Learn to shoot pocket guns and find the truth yourself and stop listening to counter Clerks at big Box stores. Her gun was unloaded while the thugs were not. Ruger LCP II .380 ($349) The trigger pull on most .380 autos is exceptionally long and gritty. The gun works. Still cant find that silent u in it to make it sky. I think Jimenez and Lorcen companies went bankrupt. No problems what so ever. How many times are there accidental discharges from soft triggers? Check out the 380 showdown in GunWorldin 2012all 3 Keltecs broke and wouldnt run right. Only time I tried one I did not like it. Actually the Hellcat felt better in the hand and was more accurate for me with a better sight than other micro pistols. I had an occasional ejection glitch in mine when I first got it, but the company paid to have it shipped back to them for adjustment, and the piece hasnt hiccupped a single time, since. 5 Best 380 Pistols for Concealed Carry in 2022 - Gun News No thanks. Maybe something like this? They are meant to be defensive arms that can be easily carried in the pocket. 6. Super gun, works every time. TTAG is the Roseanne Barr of reviews. Fan boys gotta fan boy, and critics gotta criticize. From what I have heard the folks at SCCY provide great customer service. He rated it 2.5 stars out of 5 and wrote, I dont hate it. Still, thats pretty tepid, and our readers rate it well below average. Far better than any of the others gun you talk about on this rag of a story. 72 people have given the Arsenal Strike 1 a mediocre rating. It just goes into endless redirects until your browser gives up on it. You must not even be able to read. I have received grief for it as well. So special, they ride the short bus. The DB380 is a cheap subcompact 380 pocket pistol. So they added in where if you downvote something you must list at least one reason why. I really wanted to like the gun. I would bet my life on this smallish, nice looking pistol. Probably ran 150 round through it so far. I dont know if I should believe anything guns3x has to say, he is clearly insane. One of the finest pocket guns out there. Its fun to shoot really, PS: visited the site again, feeling slightly guilty for harping on the polling validity-. Keep the .4 calibers to compact, mid, or full-size. This is what I really hate about stories like the one posted. Great gun otherwise. It would likely be more meaningful. Note to self, Get to the range! I was also surprised to find the CM40 rated so poorly. We saw your review and write up. They know media though. After the 200 round break in if you have any, then yes you should be pissed. The Mag release is a piece of cake. Accurate for cheap junk. All of these features together, the improved trigger, the enhanced serrations, the stippling on the grip, and the slightly wider grip size all combine to make the LCP II a better handgun to shoot than the original LCP. I would very much like to see your proof/examples. I challange anyone to break down the Pico and compare all parts to any of the Aluminum Chassis Pocket guns. More power to him I say. Their Reviewers have alot of feed issues due to lack of knowledge of proper grip. . I must be the unicorn master then, because I own each of the firearms listed, except the Hellcat, (I have never heard of it before this article) and have never had an issue with any of them. HICKCOCK45 SAID OF THE PICO I really like this trigger. lol Damon really? You have to use the recommened ammo in the manual. I have pocket holsters for all but the S&W and had been carrying the XDS 45 regularly till yesterday. The slide has the most ineffective grooves Ive ever felt. Kahr P380 is the definitive pocket gun. Tiny little semi-automatics sure, there are many good ones and many bad ones. Sean, I cannot find documentation of John Lott having bought reviews on Amazon. No issues to complain about. One now has over 4,000 rounds of flawless ammo down range the other now over 1500 and have never broken a firing pin. And for sure never shot one. The .380 pistol which has the least recoil? Above, a Ruger, below a Browning 1911380 Without even looking at their spec sheets, we can guess that If you have to rely on Counter Clerks for advice on firearms tells me quite a bit. We indicate sponsored content as such. This list would have been more valid if it had included the KIMBER SOLO, This website is better than the comedy channel. But, it doesnt like to be dirty. Was definitely surprised that certain other brands didnt make the list. Well, youre in luck, because your fellow Americans have voted, and for some pocket guns, the results arent pretty . If there is what looks like an empty hole its uncocked. It is a small barrel gun NOT a target gun. So the recoil is stout. Actually if the SCCY is on here then the Mill Pro G2 should be also, and that gun is a trainwreck compared to the SCCY. I posted a new post today regarding the nonsense by this author about the Pico. I have a SCCY too. 400 rounds! Safe, small, and gives me some measure of security I wouldnt have without it. By the way, break down the Kahr and compare it to the Pico. Even the author of this article merely speculates, at times, as to why the readers voted as they did. A 9mm shouldnt be slower than a .45. However, they are among the worst guns for concealed carry. My Airweight has been dehorned and edges softened, carries so comfortably with a Hip Grip that I often forget about it. I got a Glock26, and have been happy ever since! Its not a range gun, and should not be treated as such. Nope. Ive owned a CPX 2 for about a year and we shoot every weekend. Most of the post are from newbies that know very little about guns in the first place. You fire as soon as you pull and have aimed. This is the J-Frame for the masses. And I have not shot one better then these in the same weight and AOL class. .380 pocket pistols are incredibly easy to conceal, and this is what is largely attributed to their long time popularity in the United States. BTW except for the cobra all these little guns got good reviews at various timesFWIW. But with 99 votes in, the math is clear: the CPX-2 stinks. So, I would never consider one. The Ruger LCP II, released by Ruger at the end of 2016, sought to remedy many of those downsides. It feels good in the hand and the materials and workmanship are fine. Simple, easy and the Beretta Pico is in fact one of the most mild shooting Pocket Pistols out there. Votes on the best or worst of anything are all based on personal experience or having an ax to grind. I would think a pocket gun would be best kept in .380 or 9mm. No warning shot, no shoot to wound. And of course not break down like they do with high volume shooting. I love mine(CPX 2,no safety) Best carry gun for your dollar bar none. Yet one more advantage for the LCP II is the fact that the slide locks back on the final round fired to signal you are empty. The trigger is about smooth and deliberate. . My God, have you really shot or even handled one? Lets find out by comparing it to the original LCP. It covers the trigger guard of the pistol and has a hook and sticky material to stay secure in your pocket so it is easy to draw the pistol from your pocket without bringing the holster with it. Im about to order some more. By the way John, I have the Kahr, yes nice gun.Shoots well. All you did is look at numerical reviews on the internet. A lot of those people who diss these guns are those that run hollowpoints or high pressure rounds. There are two primary uses for the LCP II: concealed carry and/or as a back-up pistol. My other gun is a Beretta PX4. Funny, I have the SCCY CPX-2 and I love it. But that is just learning curve and a trade off when they removed the problematic safety from the earlier models. But this article should be called Articles to avoid like the Plague. She has had limp wrist cycling problems with other semi-auto pistols in the past. Suprised about the Kahr, Beretta, and Diamondback. I also feel the cw380 has very minimal recoil vs other small 380s in its same size. I recommend them to people all the time, but I do caution that, as is to be expected with a DAO, the trigger is long. I dont see it. Ruger sought out to remedy much of these problems with the LCP II. My NAA .380 ACP with Novak 3 dot night sights has been 100% reliable with every ammo tried and as accurate as I am. But for a handgun of last resort, I prefer an Airweight. Im glad it ended well, but if he hadnt scored a first round hit he would have been screwed for real. Mostly new firearm buyers that buy into all the advertising and ridiculous internet junk. At my handgun review and rating site,, we offer star ratings on a scale of 110 for every gun featured on the site. Man, all I can say is when you mentioned the Pico, you sure messed up on that one. Makes me question the authors intentions in this article. After this 1911 bill gets passed, Ill be carrying a 1911. My Kahr is a nice but, but Finicky as heck. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. I really get the feeling you know little about the Pico. check the ammo?? In the case of the SCCY they are worth it. In light of that, the valuable service you claim hes doing may well be smoke and mirrors. My PT 22 is surprisingly reliable. Lol, I think he is a troll with other guns as well. Get real. Hey Dan, what gun have you designed or invested in? And surely have not shot one or very little. From what I understand the early ones with the safety have issues compared to the later ones without a safety. So Ill pass on the herd mentality when buying guns thanks.. Uh no. It went on to launch a revolution of micro .380 handguns. A 380 is about as wide as a 9mm. However it is about 1/2 as powerful, 1/2 the weight and velocity. For a very long time 9mm was considered the rock I have thousands of rounds through the Picos and trust me, they hold up like the tank they are. Kahr CW 380. The thing stinks. Even a novice can see the better build quality of the Pico. No aluminum. And with 38 other semi-auto pocketguns to choose from, why risk it? The only thing about that bill is that allows those in a govt approved marksmenship program to buy them first. Like others, I am a bit surprised by the poor showing of the Beretta. Or had a bad exp. People cant make crap up in their comments? I had issues with mine to start. Thats when I could get them to respond to my emails, that is. Resulting load increase, too, the valuable service you claim hes doing may well be smoke and.... Dont know if the rating is based on personal experience or having an ax grind... Than any of the worst guns for concealed carry and/or as a 9mm.380 pocket pistol on.380. 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