The philosophy is all like this. According to the military prosecutor's office, the fighters of this battalion practiced extrajudicial killings, torture and rape against civilians. He did well. Both are perverted maniacs. Members of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine's commissions and psychologists are working with the soldiers of the Tornado . Then they (Tornado members) used bare current-carrying wires to touch various parts of the prisoners bodies, such as the temples, the penis and the scrotum. In other words, the regional authorities asked Kiev to disarm those who were sent to protect civilians. One such battalion, dubbed "Tornado", was disbanded in December 2014 by Kiev following numerous reports of its crimes, but its members were never prosecuted, with many of them moving to other battalions. When you watch the video footage of the trial, it is shocking how brazen and insolent the Tornado fighters are, apparently confident that they can get away with anything. Since February, videos have been appearing on social networks in which Lyashuk with a weapon in his hands says that he is fighting as a member of the Ukrainian Army.This perverted sadist, Mujahid, is currently at the front. They say they want to defend their freedom., The Tornado Case: Atrocities and Sadism Among Ukrainian Nazi Police Battalions, "Tornado" is a national police battalion that was put on trial in Ukraine for numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory. Nevertheless, the formation of the new national battalion was not kept secret.The public learned about the crimes of the Shakhtyorsk battalion almost straight away. A Russian journalist has visited the former base of the notorious Ukrainian neo-Nazi Tornado battalion and found evidence of murder, torture, and rape, including of underage girls. They should not be confused with the volunteer units of Special Tasks Patrol Police of Ukraine created along with territorial defense battalions, but under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior. Right Sector, and Tornado battalions . Two Tornado members recorded the process I mentioned on mobile phones". After the beating, they dragged the man to the pit as he fainted several times. It is unknown what they really agreed upon with the Tornado fighters, but later Avakov said that the battalion obeyed his orders and respected discipline and order.What Criminal Charges Did the Tornado Fighters Face?Here are just some of the charges the Tornado fighters were tried on:There are no charges under the article murder among those listed. In March, RT correspondent Maria Finoshina visited the abandoned base of the Ukrainian nationalist Aidar battalion and talked with former prisoners of the nationalists. In a key test of Ukraine's justice system, a Kiev court in April imprisoned former members of the disbanded, pro-Ukrainian "Tornado battalion" for torturing and sexually assaulting civilians in . The Tornado criminals are in no hurry to go to the front line. They barricaded themselves in their base (the school premises), booby-trapped the approaches and said they were ready to use weapons in the event of an assault. Here are just some of the charges the Tornado fighters were tried on: There are no charges under the article murder among those listed. One of the detainees was forced to suck and lick a plastic tube and imitate oral sex and pretend to suck a penis. Members of the so-called "Tornado squadron" are suspected of looting, rape, torture, and murder. April 2022. Many agreed and came. Hed served time in prison twice and was a member of an organised crime group. They were recruited officially. The Ukrainians and the Azov regiment have been doing an excellent job of 'de-nazifying' Ukraine. Most of the citizens who experienced the so-called "mop-up" refused to describe their stories in writing, fearing for their safety. They had nothing to lose and nowhere to return. How could someone recruit a gang into a battalion? They accounted for half of the battalion. #Ukraine: Today Ruslan Onishchenko, the commander of the Neo-Nazi Tornado battalion, was released from prison by the Zelensky regime, alongside thousands of other criminals.Onishchenko was previously condemned to 10 years imprisonment for rape, torture and murder of civilians. Both the prosecution and the defence said that they were going to appeal against the verdict as one side considered it too lenient and the other too severe. The national battalion was stationed in the part of the Lugansk region which was under Ukrainian control (not to be confused with the LPR - Sputnik). It was not until 20 February 2015 that the detainee was transferred, as specified in the investigating judge's ruling, to his lawful place of detention - the Starobelsk pre-trial detention facilities where upon admission he was found to have sustained injuries inflicted on the day of his detention, on 10 February 2015, and marks which remained 10 days after his detention. He is on trial for molesting his own young children. One of Freeman's cronies, codenamed Achilles, who had also served time before the conflict and had connections in criminal circles, specifically collected information on who was released and when. It is reported by "" with reference to the ex-People's Deputy of Ukraine Igor Mosiychuk. A veteran of the Ukrainian national guard's Azov Battalion conducts military exercises for civilians in Kyiv, Ukraine on January 30, 2022 [File: Gleb Garanich/Reuters] Published On 1 Mar 2022 1 . In turn, the men accused the Luhansk Oblast police chief Anatoly Naumenko (an authority in the Kiev controlled part of Luhansk) of running a protection racket for smuggling cast iron from rebel occupied territory . In one of their recently released videos, Daniil Lyashuk, a former militant of the Ukrainian battalion Tornado, nicknamed Mujahid, who had previously been sentenced to 10 years in prison for war crimes in the Donbass, cheered his freedom and issued more threats against Russians. If they got killed, the Tornado had nothing to do with it they were not officially listed, just like the Blacks.If you joined the battalion, it was virtually impossible to leave. Eventually, several months later, in mid-June 2015, Hennadiy Moskal, the head of the Kiev-controlled administration of Lugansk, demanded that the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies disarm the Tornado battalion and remove it from Lugansk region. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty:"Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit.The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. note Sputnik). The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine formed the Tornado battalion in September 2014 on the basis of the personnel of the Shakhtersk national battalion disbanded due to looting and crimes against the population. Following the discontinuation of Special Operations Militia Battalion Shakhtarsk (which had been created at the initiative of the member of parliament Oleh Liashko and fought near Ilovaisk), Ministry of Interior detachment Saint . The death of the prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid due to the policy of medical negligence in the occupation prisons, We were preparing on the instructions of Ukrainian neo-Nazis: the FSB prevented terrorist attacks on the railway in the Sverdlovsk region, "": the Ukrainian nationalist regiment "Azov" was transformed into an assault brigade, Mouloud Mansouri prepares detainees for their reintegration, Ex-wife and cohabitant 'only 3 murders' Habitual killer 'permanent quarantine', USA: At least six dead in tornadoes in Alabama, The commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the "hellish" battles and huge losses near Artyomovsk, The metro station "Sportivnaya" in Moscow was evacuated due to smoke, The US Consulate General in Milan confirmed the cyberattack on the diplomatic mission's Twitter account, Ecuador: an indigenous leader assassinated in the Amazon, RBC: the Ministry of Transport expects a decrease in passenger air travel between Russia and China by 60-70%, Storm Juliette puts more than 30 provinces on cold alert and leaves a blanket of snow in Barcelona. Members of Ukraine's . the insignia of the notorious rapists and murderers of the "Tornado" battalion. As stated earlier, the court was under enormous pressure. Ukrainian military prosecutors, police, and residents allege that members of the Tornado battalion tasked with policing Pryvillia and nearby communities went rogue, committing violent crimes . note Sputnik).What Exactly Were the Tornado Fighters Accused of?The national battalion was stationed in the part of the Lugansk region which was under Ukrainian control (not to be confused with the LPR - Sputnik). The Russian Communist Party pushed to label the battalions as terrorist organizations, even though they are directly subordinate to the Government of Ukraine and are legal government agencies of Ukraine. The "Greys" were ordinary guys without any military experience who came as volunteers. The Tornado fighters came to this grandmother's house, pulled a new mattress right out from under her and left. "I have a creative proposal to our German friends. They promised to feed us three times a day and give us cigarettes. The men were also subjected to torture with an object similar to an electric generator. Then Ruslan Onishchenko told us to rape him. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty: "Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit. Who are Tornado troops? Both agreed that a public trial was needed. According to the former MP Ihor Mosiychuk, Mujahid, who received a ten-year sentence, was released back in the summer of 2021. To prevent me from running away, they put metal handcuffs on my leg, which they attached to a 24 kg kettlebell. During . Alyona Mazurenko SUNDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2022, 12:39 PM. After two years, the situation in the east of Ukraine remains volatile and may develop into a 'frozen conflict', creating a protracted environment of insecurity The "Whites", fighters that were former police officers who were discharged or had not been re-certified in the summer of 2015 and came to serve in the battalion. Onishchenko was previously prosecuted five times for serious and particularly serious crimes. He was constantly on the phone, calling up those retired out of jail and persuading them to come to the battalion. Things were getting so bad that they would go along the street, smash up all the houses, and take everything. And with Russian forces significantly tightening their siege of key Ukrainian cities in recent days, including concentrating about 21-22 battalion tactical groups around the capital Kyiv, it is . . This was in 2016. The neighbour found her the next morning behind the bed, the granny was dead. Units. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs established the Tornado battalion in September 2014 from the personnel of the Shakhtyorsk national battalion, who were disbanded due to allegations of looting and crimes against the population. According to the investigation, members of Tornado installed a torture chamber on the first floor of a local school. They immediately received an assault rifle and were trained by more experienced fighters. Already during the trial in the summer of 2015, some of the authorities were indignant and perplexed: how is it that criminals . According to its data, the former commander of the disbanded company of . If you joined the battalion, it was virtually impossible to leave. Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov personally disbanded Shakhtyorsk. The Ukrainian General Staff confirmed on March 4 that Ukrainian Special Forces killed 50 soldiers belonging to the Russian 31st Airborne Brigade based at Ulyanovsk in fighting in Hostomel on March 3. By Interfax-Ukraine. #Russia #Ukraine : Daniil Dashuk from #Belarus (ex-#Tornado Battalion member) released a new video.He can be seen with an AK-74 rifle (equipped . The court hearings were held behind closed doors, without public access.In one case of criminal activity, Tornado commander Ruslan Onishchenko forced his ward's girlfriend to masturbate him.Tornado fighters also set up a torture chamber in the basement of a school in Lysychansk where they raped and tortured locals, including minors and retired people regardless of their gender. Tornado battalion soldiers to be redeployed. Together, they are both collectively known as the Ukrainian volunteer battalions. It was formed from Anti-Terrorist Operation veterans, a "Shakhtyorsk" police special unit, that was disbanded due to looting and war crimes. Ukraine's Tornado Battalion Resisting Disarmament, Shoots Police Drone. Azov Battalion is the most controversial of all the Ukrainian forces - espousing right wing ideology, showcasing Nazi symbols and focussing on white supremacist ideology. DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media "Remembering the past to understand the present, a reminder from 2016 with some sick take care: Southfront: The Tornado battalion crimes case is a criminal case opened in connection with numerous grave crimes committed by the personnel of the Ukrainian volunteer battalion Tornado during the armed conflict in Donbas. But founder of the Tornado battalion Andriy Filonenko (below, left) and Serhiy Melnychuk, founder and former commander of the Aidar battalion, say Ukraine's elite are simply out to protect themselves. "The Shakhtyorsk battalion, having fought beautifully at Ilovaisk, was disbanded by ministerial order because of repeated incidents of looting in Volnovakha and other instances". If you are ready to die, you have the right to kill. If they got killed, the Tornado had nothing to do with it they were not officially listed, just like the Blacks. Roman Ivash, Nikita Sviridovskiy and Andrei Demchuk were released from the sentence with two years' probation. Former military personnel among convicts and detainees who have expressed the desire to defend Ukraine in its effort to fight off the Russian aggression are being released from prisons and detention facilities. This odious battalion became famous for kidnapping and holding civilians in their own prison, torturing them and . "I had to take a morally difficult decision: under martial law, combatants - Ukrainians with real combat experience - will be released from detention and will be able to redeem themselves", Zelensky said in a video message posted on Telegram. Members of the Tornado battalion appeared in the Kyiv court. For example, a report by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, a Ukrainian human rights organisation, and the Truth Hounds, another human rights organisation, describes an incident involving the abduction by Shakhtyorsk fighters of several residents of Marinka, who were first. It should be recalled that the victims and survivors of the crimes, first and foremost, the raped men, asked for a closed trial.At one point, the campaign to protect these Heroes of ATO in the press and on social media gained such momentum that Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios decided to reveal the atrocities of the Tornado fighters live on 112 Ukraine TV.The Protocol I described the events of 17-23 March 2015.From around 17.03.2015 to 23.03.2015, members of the Tornado battalion, I am sure of it, regularly brought various men to the basement, who were systematically beaten. Including those known for their particular cruelty, penchant for sadism, paedophilia, incest and other monstrous pathologies. Lilia Ukrainskaya, a well-known volunteer who delivered food to the Tornado battalion, reported the following: From the testimony given by the victims in court: There was an old woman living nearby on Lebedinskogo Street, paralysed, her children had fled the shelling when the conflict started, and her neighbour was looking after her. Since February, videos have been appearing on social networks in which Lyashuk with a weapon in his hands says that he is fighting as a member of the Ukrainian Army. In addition, he was in the basement in darkness and could not observe the change of day and night.An eyewitness to the detention of the elderly man in the basement was Ms H., the business manager of the Stanitsa Luganskaya settlement council, who was held in the same room for several hours, together with the detainee, and accidentally witnessed his ill-treatment.Later, SBU officers deceived Mr M. by promising to exchange him for the UAF fighters who were being held captive by illegal armed groups, and forced him to testify about his involvement in terrorist activities. Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard video from: ht. The battalions were established in mid-2014, during the early stages of the war in Donbas, to combat the pro-Russian separatists[1][2][3] and the forces of the Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, and the United Armed Forces of Novorossiya. 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