Dear Fellow Light Worker, I read today of the passing of our beloved Sanaya. May all the light and blessings you have shared and given so generously come back to you multiplied. The energy shooting up instantly spoke to me. Many tell us they play Thaddeus' music for company when they want people to relax and enjoy an evening of connecting and conversation. Through Sanayas and Orins teaching about working on the energetic planes to create on the earth-plane, I started to work with Duane and DaBen on the Light Body courses. Thank you Sanaya for saving my life. May she be in everlasting light and love, and surrounded by the amazing light beings that she shared with us. I did the Spirit of Peace meditation with a group on New Year's Eve, and felt the presence of a great light there with us. Sanaya, Orin, you and Daben have been an integral part of my life for over 28 years. Knowing Sanaya Roman and Orin through her has been to me like knowing true love, true joy and true soul contact. Although my heart feels heavy having learned of Sanaya's passing, I also feel such love and gratitude to her. "One worth knowing" this is the meaning of the name Sanaya which we have given to this group who gives you these daily messages. I personally have gained so much and have looked forward like a little child for the next. I read Personal Power Through Awareness in 1994. She taught me Awakening Your Light Body and was my favorite guide. I literally felt like a new person. With so many years studying and working with Orin and DaBens teaching, I always thought it would be forever. Your work has truly made the world a brighter place with all your followers meditating every day! Sometimes I feel blessed, that people like you are around to make me understand some things. In Love, Light and Gratitude. This was an important lesson to me in learning how to Live with Joy. With Thaddeus present, my skill with music went way beyond my normal ability and limited knowledge of chords and sounds. For me, to dedicate ones life to be the best transmitter of Light for others is to truly love. Blessings to Sanaya and Orin for helping me raise my vibration and bringing me back to my power. Her energy amplified around me and I felt with all my heart that her work will continue on in a stronger way. Her courage in opening the light body for us mere mortals took great courage. Holding the space of light and love for us all. Thinking of your loved ones and holding all of us in Light. Your heart center becomes so radiant that you attract all that you need to you to fulfill your purpose in every moment. Orin is aware of every soul that reaches him through his words, either spoken or written. When reading Sanaya's books I loved how Sanaya explained in the Introduction that in the beginning days Orin would ask the group working with Sanaya to send energy to those who would be working with the body of work in the future. With love and much appreciation. In small token of appreciation now, I would like to say that throughout life I have found answers within reading or listening to Orin and Sanaya's work, and I can only say thank you for enriching my life in countless ways. Matt was born on . I felt that even though she will continue to help us connect with spirit, this time she will assist the SPIRIT REALM connect stronger to humankind. Heartfelt love and gratitude. The background music on the Orin journeys is by Thaddeus, an angelic being who brings his music to you through me. His light is always available to those who have made contact with him. For over 30 years all have been such a part of my journey, awakening and more. Dearest Sanaya, thank you for sharing the beauty of your Soul, for your Presence on earth and in our life, for embodying Grace, Love and Healing vibration. Tears in my eyes hearing of the loss. Orin found me in 1995. Love and Gratitude. All the best to you in love and light. I will continue to listen to her recordings, and hopefully she will find a new way to continue to guide us from the other side. Love and light. I do this to let her spirit know that I appreciate everything that she has done for me. I feel her everlasting Love and Joy. Thank you. She shined a light for me that helped me grow. I am deeply sorry to hear of Sanaya's passing. With deep appreciation for all you do. for 2022, that included an affirmation, "I flow with Orin and Daben's current of prosperity." I wish to share my appreciation for the connection of this group. Sanayas departure from the earth plane came as a physical shock. Duane have loved when you shared that the best and most accurate way to communicate is by the energy, so have been doing that since becoming aware of Sanayas transition to extend support and whatever would assist, and in many other times as well. I am absolutely sending you such a stream of love and lots of gratitude. Ruth Roman, 75, who starred opposite Gary Cooper and Errol Flynn and survived the Andrea Doria wreck at sea, died Sept. 9 at her home here. Sanaya will always be in my thoughts and my heart and I will connect with Sanaya on the inner planes. You and she have impacted my life in such a way as to have shifted my soul path for eons to come. My life profoundly changed, became more meaningful and happy because of Sanaya and Orin (and Duane and DaBen). I am currently on the fourth volume. Thank you! Works (1) Titles Order; 50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It (50 Classics) by Tom Butler-Bowdon: Character description. Orin and DaBen have been the most significant part of my spiritual life. Well, crazier than normal, lol. Thank you. Wishing you all the best as we continue as a community to plant the seeds of light on our planet. (As well as Duane and Daben channelings). (Scroll down page.). Her presence is as strong and clear and masterful as it ever was. My life would not have been the same without you. I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to our website. Her audios with Orin have changed my life and brings me closer to Gods, heaven and my inner self every time I listen. I marked them up and wrote in them, then bought a new one and started again. I know the energy. It is not a review. With Warmest Regards. Im sure Sanaya will be still working with us through the words in all the books and courses. I am a light body graduate and I have been so much transformed by Orin and DaBen meditations. These meditations kept me going, gave me a hope and lifted me every single day since. I feel inspired to be the best that I can be, to hold more and more love and light, and to find joy in every moment. " You came to develop an open heart. I am still learning and in the process. I just read about Sanaya`s transition and while first feelings of shock and sadness, I also felt the warmth, strength and Light, Love coming through. She sponsored me with such constancy. I truly don't know what I would have done without them at many points of my life. Although I no longer give private appointments, much of the guidance Orin gives to people is contained in his books: Living with Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money, and Soul Love, all published by H J Kramer Inc. All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. Sanaya and Orin made a huge difference in my life. In remembrance of her divine soul, I will continue to patronize your lovely website and order meditations, books, and other products that you have there. Celebrated. Otherwise, I would not have done that. I am so grateful for 25 years of magical support and guidance I've been blessed with. If you wish, visit the tribute to Sanaya page to read some of the messages from students. H J Kram er Inc Tiburon, California To all of you awakening to the light within. She was always a hope and a source of light for me. May her work be forever wisdom for us to live our life spiritually. Halfway through the journeys a thought came to me Maybe I can do this on a regular basis. I devoured every book Orin and Sanaya had produced, reading and rereading them several times. Im saddened and stunned by the news regarding Sanayas passing. Now, not only was I ready, I became voracious in my need to study and expand. Damn, I don t believe it These people roared wildly and shot again. As my way of honoring Sanaya, and if you will indulge me, Id like to share the story of how I found Orin and DaBen with you. The plan is to live more, tell inspired stories, and spread more Light. I had an out of body experience that day with St. Michael (I still remember every detail of it many years later). It is with a deep . Thank You. Still not sure why she transitioned when she did, but forever grateful and thankful, that someone or some entity decided that I should be aware of this work. Alongside the grief and loss, I feel a sense of comfort, love and hope knowing that the blessings of Orin and Sanaya will live on in a kind of hologram that I trust will be there like it always has in times of need, to bring me back to my inner world of love, sound, shape and vibrational centers where I find peace. Your love and sharing is expanding and making more accessible for everyone the experience of connecting with Sanaya on her higher journey. Then when I discovered the seminars, it was such a wonderful thing to hear Sanaya channel Orin live. They're just perfect! I am saddened by the passing of Sanaya. Oct 29, 2013 - Explore Your Peaceful Oasis's board "Sanaya Roman channeling Orin", followed by 101 people on Pinterest. Sanaya introduced me to you and Orin and DaBen and this energy. Also my gratitude to you Duane. Thank you for the journey, never ending somehow. They have created a space for inner reflection, love, light and peace like no other path. He says that he now "lives" on the soul plane and in even higher realms. What part of me and my life didnt she touch and make better through her channeling work? 22 years. Thank you for sharing such wonderful ways to be loving and wise with ourselves and with the people we meet each day. Orin and Sanayas teachings have been one of the most transformative and grounding lights in my thirty plus year spiritual growth journey. They have lifted me up and set me back on higher ground. I am so appreciative of being a part of the amazing co-creation taking place between loving beings on both sides of the veil. The journey started more than a decade ago, when, after being shaken to the core of my being by a dark night of the soul episode, I developed a strong yearning for a teacher to help guide me along a spiritual journey thatd been long overdue. I only hope to leave a legacy remotely close to the one you have. I will meet you on the inner planes that you introduced me to and I will thank you there." Sending Love, light and joy to you always. I can sense the probability stream which I have been following blossom into octaves of light heretofore unimagined. I am so grateful to Sanaya and Orin for their great work. Merci. May you all be blessed with the peace and comfort of knowing that her beautiful Loving soul and radiant Light remain with us! That is Love as I see it. It is not often that you read a book and you see the world differently after, but such was the energy in those words carried through translation into the core of peoples that were ready for them. We thanked her last night for opening the channel to our spiritual path. I feel deep love for this work! Much Love To You All. I want to thank Sanaya for the work she must have had to do, day in and day out, the chop wood and carry water type of work she must have had to persevere in to be able to channel so powerfully such a powerful message. Blessings to you. With love and thanks to Sanaya and to Duane with what your have given the world. Sanayas work had a huge impact on my life and I am who I am today because of her. From the very beginning I felt attracted to the energies of Orin and DaBen from the Light Body. About Orin More about Orin: For more information on Orin, read about him in the Living with Joy book excerpt or more about him in the Spiritual Growth book excerpt. Sanaya and Orin are truly great teachers. I so appreciate Your down to earth approach and love Your sense of humor throughout Your recordings. In love, light and peace. Not one time but twice. We are all so blessed! It comes from a feeling of inner peace, the ability to give and receive, and appreciation of the self and others. She was welcomed by Orin and DaBen and the whole Spiritual Realm and the Celebrations were beyond beautiful. I found there the safety of kindness and gentleness I need, along with the stretch to clearer intention and higher consciousness. tensk recenze Potovn nad 999 K zdarma Slevy na bestsellery 25 % Sanaya Roman CHANNEL FOR ORIN. Thank you for everything. The clarity, precision and fullness of your channeling has been awe-inspiring. Sanaya Roman Play artist More actions Listeners 138 Scrobbles 4,595 Do you have any photos of this artist? At his death, the Roman Empire had the greatest extent it would ever have, encompassing an area of 2 million square miles (5.18 million sq. Sanaya, your world service and impact, is truly beyond description. Which is why we are here, to express who we really are the Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, and lovely energies that we are! I remember bringing the book Living with Joy along with me to Australia in 2000, it gave me deep solace and inner peace, helping me through deep reflection and meditation. Your books carry an energy that is both enlightening and loving. Forever Grateful. When Sanaya looked me in the eyes, she looked into my soul. Titles Covers. For they are one group, just as you are an individual within many ones: one family, one community, one . I feel great respect and gratitude on her work on telepathy and subtle energies, so naturally. Cancel. She sent me over and that led to the permission. She has helped me go through many difficult times. I want to express my immense gratitude for the great contribution she has made to my life. I am holding a focus for the perfect unfoldment of this energy shifting into a clear and beautiful light. Je autorkou knih . It's very possible I've spent more time listening to Sanaya's voice than I've spent with any other person in my life. I send sincere condolences and love to the family of Sanaya. Your dedication and great vision of love for humanity, and all the work you have done with Orin will continue to vibrate over time and spaces, a precious gift still vibrant in me, in all of us. Las Vegas resident Lindsey Star Roman daughter of guitar retailer Ed Roman, who died in 2011 was found unresponsive about 10:45 p.m. Oct. 25 in the desert near U.S. 95, about 15 miles . At this time of Sanayas transition, I thank you both for your love and commitment to bringing such love to me and so many of us on the Earth plane. She has been a source of hope, inspiration, comfort and strength. For some reason the authors name had completely been forgotten. I now have all the books, and their ebook versions and audiobook versions and listen most days! And the amazing connection between Sanaya and Duane, Orin and DaBen created even bigger shift for all of us. Beloved spiritual family. I never personally met Sanaya but I have read (and re-read) her books with Orin and I have completed many Orin courses and Orin meditations. Wonderful gifts of Light to the world. Defence barrister Chris Dane QC argued the evidence of the mother's postnatal depression . Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. I just wanted you to know that I was in the darkest point in my life when I found Sanaya and Orin. I don't have to say what a magnificent light she was, because you all know that, and she still is. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Personal Power Through Awareness in January 2012. Truly she has made an impact on my life and countless others and the world is a better place because she took charge of her purpose here on earth. I'm sure Sanaya is happy wherever she is, and that she is accompanied by a lot of friends and high beings. Check out our sanaya roman selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our figurines shops. When I first read Living with Joy in 2007 or 8, can't remember exactly, I am not exaggerating when I say that book saved my life. Two very special days of learning to love myself for probably the first time in my life. Although a candle has gone out on the earth plane, the higher energies seem much brighter and I'm glad she will be with us in all the journeys to come. My personality is very different from 2010 and I am very, very happy about that. Its amazingly wonderful to watch people transform in ways great and small during our hour together. They began at an unparalleled high level of skill and then, over the years, got even better. Sanaya Roman is currently considered a "single author." If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. Thank you for all the blessings received. I give thanks also for Thaddeus music, which has been such a blessing. It is as if through Orin I can experience a world of increased understanding, greater awareness, and more compassion and love. Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, with the help of their guides, Orin and DaBen, have created the definitive, inspirational, and easy-to-use guide to the art of channeling. Sanaya's voice has led me through so many spiritual journeys throughout the years. People tell us it works better than anything else they have tried to fall asleep and to wake up feeling refreshed. I will be holding space for Sanaya and sending prayers for those on this side. She has dropped her physical body, but her personal energy and Orins radiance have only increased. Much love. The night of her leaving the earth plane, I experienced the most real soul to soul connection with her and she gave me clarity and peace of mind regarding concerns I had with how other people/channels are disrespecting her and her work with Orin, by calling it theirs. Thank You Sanaya. Sanaya says " Orin is a nonphysical entity that I connect with through conscious channeling. I have been listening to Sanaya for a number of years and was deeply moved in discovering of her passing. And at the darkest stage of my life, in 2015, I finally found your webpage and the meditations. What a loss for the world, for me! Through Sanaya, Orin has created over 200 audio lessons, and written four books: "Spiritual Growth," "Living With Joy," "Personal Power Through Awareness," and "Soul Love.". Sanaya's and Orin's books and journeys have been bringing me great comfort through the years. I wish I could understand why I was inspired to pick up the book. I had tried therapy but it only made my situation worse. Her legacy will live on forever. I really cannot believe I will never sit in a room and have her do another Orin mediation. Personal Power Through Awareness Chapter 10 - Learning Unconditional Love, To all of you who are learning to grow through joy rather than through struggle or pain, for opening the door for humanity to do the same. Name Phone Address Business. I learned about Sanaya last night, and I just wanted to express my gratitude to Sanaya and Orin. I also knew the energy work is my calling and I should follow this gift, but I didn't know yet where to look. I felt immense happiness for her knowing that she is in a much better place. Your books, meditations, and guidance have transformed my life and guided me to be filled with more light and love. Sanaya has returned Home but her work will continue to guide and inspire me, and Orin remains a source of love and light on the inner planes. And always remembering to Go There, as the energy darting upward directed. That's when I saw the news of Sanaya's passing. Explore books by Sanaya Roman with our selection at However police media said the results had not been finalised. Meeting you changed the trajectory of my life and your work is woven into the fabric of my being. Sanaya made such a difference in my life and this 1-2 year period was the most magical time of my life. I only just heard about Sanayas passing. Just before the last live seminar was cancelled due to Covid, I dreamed that I was assisting her to organize technology (there were lots of wires and cords), because the live seminar was not going ahead as planned, so many empty seats in the seminar room! My family and I are in Oregon originally because of Sanaya. In recent years, I have particularly appreciated Sanayas humor. Much love on your journey Sanaya. Sanaya, Orin, Duane, DaBen you have changed me as a person and I feel incredibly lucky and privileged to have been working with you all for so many years and of course will continue to do so. And thanks to the ones who supported and are supporting you both! I first started reading Sanayas books back in 1989, when I was 22, during a backpacking trip around the world. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise and gentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course in sensing energy. With love. You have come as blessing in my life. I forever keep in my heart the images of her many smiles when we meet during the seminars. And over the years when other teachings and paths fell short, Orin and Sanaya were always still there and it was clear that they would always hold a space for me like nobody ever did. It is hard for me to accept that I will not be seeing Sanayas radiant presence in the flesh. Sanaya Roman has appears to have been deceived, and chooses to remain so. Honestly, I was looking forward to meeting Sanaya at the next seminar, unfortunately, she is gone from this world. Mahalo nui loa Sanaya for your inspiring kokua! I am so sorry for your loss. In the last year, there was barely a day that went by when I didn't open the ' Personal Power Through Awareness' Book. Strangely, I feel a new sense of connection to her, as if our relationship, or connection has increased to a higher level. I had, in 1982, been prompted by the Powers-That-Be to accompany the souls who have passed from our earthly plane, but my ability to live as my soul was very limited, and thus limited my ability to be on the same plane as them. His music is one way of sending angelic healing energy to anyone who is open to receive it. Channeling involves letting your identity grow into one that includes a more expansive perspective. When I was going through a lot of difficulties in my life, I was also having an "awakening" with a lot of strange, out of this world "happenings" taking place in my life. I am eternally grateful and trust Sanaya and Orins bright lights will continue on and reach even higher energies and healing to the LuminEssence community and world. Your meditations are fantastic! Her contribution to my life is unmeasurable. I have probably read each of their books 20+ times since I found them! I felt much sadness and unsettledness, and then love and gratitude for her. Your books, presence, and energy changed my life in ways that I still dont even realize but am gradually starting to. Thank you for the opportunity to share these words. I am in a relaxed, yet alert state of awareness when I bring Orin's messages through me. I am speechless. Her books introduced me through Orin to my highest self and a deep connection with my Soul. Thank you! I wanted to be a clear conduit for God's love. She deeply influenced my way of existing on this plane. Although I always dreamed of being a concert pianist, I didn't pursue that path, but enjoyed playing the piano whenever I could. Another time I was approaching the front of the room, where many of us were giving brief testimonials to our experiences with a course. My world completely changed and opened up. If I were to be stranded on a desert island for the rest of my life and was only allowed to take one book with me it would be "Spiritual Growth". I choose to believe we now have our own special Angel of light and I for one feel blessed to have her on my favorite Teacher of Light and Self Love list. Sending my heartfelt prayers, love and condolences to everyone at LuminEssence. Thank you Sanaya Roman for your dedication and incredible ability to be a "Channel of Thy Will." 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