24th Adminstration Company - 1 2 3 A lot happened during the 1 1/2 years I spent with the 24th. I was with the 34th Sig. Location: Stuttgart, Germany Image: Wikimedia.org In Use: 1950-Present Overall Mission: USAG Stuttgart contains the Patch Army Barracks. I remember it well. Reference Byron D. Hanson's email above: his last paragraph mentions an Artillery unit on Will Kaserne. Once they were empty, I took them to the motor pool, burned off the MP and Service Club markings, painted them and stenciled them 1/21st Inf. )I found this site :http://www.ordonnans.demon.nl/wiking.htmThat says Warner (then SS Freimann) was used for training of SS-Standarte Nordland, which is interesting.A German told me in 1967? Since 2015, the government of Oberbayern is using parts of the former McGraw Kaserne for hosting refugees ("Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung"). Located in Giesing, Mnchen (Munich), Germany. When he left I had about 10 minutes with him and we said our goodbyes. 24th Infantry Division Units at Flak Ksn, Augsburg in 1959: Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset. 43rd Kohl and Warrant officer Borden and Sgt (Piggy) Lyman. My laboratory workstation allowed me to look out the window directly at 24th Division Headquarters, probably no more than a five minute walk away. The "Reichsautozug Deutschland" was responsible for the technical support of mass events with loudspeaker systems and with its movie platoon. The kaserne was named after PFC Francis X. McGraw. I was on my way down town that day to videotape a public health workshop. ]BTW--If it didn't turn up in your search, here's my home page URL:http://members.cox.net/gordieh/, hi robertmy name is John Williams; I served with the 24th from 67 to 70 in Augsburg Sheridan Kaserne and in Munich at Scleisshiem airfield and at Henry Kaserne in 68 two brigades reordered back to ft riley one brigade moved from Munich to Augsburg i stayed in Augsburg with renamed 24th division forward i worked in hhc g-4 div class II and IV major items in June of 1970 the 24th was deactivated we became the ist infantry div fwd a month later i got out .recently i received a newsletter from 24th inf div assoc. One of the missions of the newly formed 24th was to support Army Task Force 201 by providing the airborne elements of ATF 201: two airborne battle groups, a composite artillery battalion and a quartermaster parachute (& maintenance) company. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. Detachment 8 Patrick Henry Kaserne, Munich, Germany (moved to Wiesbaden AB, Germany, 21 Jan 1959) Detachment 9 Phalsbourg AB, France, 1 Aug 1958-1 Jan 1961 The first ones were located near the historical center of Munich. A lot of them closed in the 1990's. This list contains the existing kasernes at to top and all the closed at the bottom. Restaurants in the former University of Maryland dorm (Bouvier Hall), on former American Army base of McGraw Kaserne. We have pictures and will post them if we can. I worked in the Bn motor pool and was assigned as the wrecker operator for few months. A highlight of Saturday's events was the race down the ramp in soap box racers by three of the top racing drivers in Europe before the war, Manfred von Brauchitsch, Ewald Kluge and Rudolf Carracciola. IT STILL HAS ORIGINAL PAPER LABEL WHICH READS ZINN GIESSER QUALITATS MARKE. 1 July 1958, 1st Abn BG, 503rd Infantry was relieved from assignment to the 11th Abn Div and assigned to the 24th Inf Div in Germany. This time I stayed, finally retiring in 1990. The Bavarian capital Munich was home to many military barracks. The battalion was inactivated on 15 April 1970 in Germany. Detroit Michigan Henry Ford Hospital USA (3) Detroit Michigan Olympia stadium USA (1) . THERE IS A SURPRISE IN THE BOTTOM. I do have pic. Except when he was angry. gave me an article 15 for speaking out of turn. The Bayern-Kaserne (literally Bavaria-Kaserne) is a military facility in Munich, Germany, originally named General-Wever-Kaserne. I used to read in the Stars and Stripes the published names of soldiers killed in Viet Nam and now and then, one from Warner Kaserne was included.If my memories are to be worthwhile, they should be that I went, I served, I survived and I am thankful that I am alive to even have memories.I collect beer steins and I have one purchased by a soldier from the 43rd Infantry which shows Warner in the early 1950's.I would be happy to be a part of a Warner "alumni" group but I question whether or not I would fit in well. Bill Gladney, a large black man at least 6'4" but basically a gentle man. 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry was an element of the 24th Infantry Division since 1941. Existing installations. I think he was in the 3rd engineer combat battalion, 24th infantry division. MUNICH GERMANY (SOURCE: WIKIPIDIA) Frst-Wrede-Kaserne has been a military facility in Munich, Germany, since 1936 when it was built by the Munich Heeresbauamt (army construction bureau) under its original name Verdun-Kaserne. Lol. When it was transferred to the German Bundeswehr, it was renamed once more . The actual racing began Saturday after an address by Bolds, Albrecht and the lord mayor. Some further buildings and the garage of the "Hilfszug Bayern" might be torn down. One of my jobs was driving a non-existent 3/4 ton truck for a mess sergeant who had no place to go. This was just a few miles outside Munich. Detachment 5 Rhein/Main AB, Germany, 17 Jan 1955-May 1955 Detachment 4 Wheelus Airfield, Libya, 22 Jan 1956-1 Apr 1964 . Mecheln - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. 1 July 1958, 1st Abn BG, 187th Infantry was relieved from assignment to the 11th Abn Div and assigned to the 24th Inf Div in Germany. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. And it's been that way for the past 41 years. I found them and Col. Bammer went crazy. 18 hrs. USAG Wiesbaden Military Training Area, Mainz, 96 Ordnance Company, Mainz Gonsenheim, 1955/56, 97th General Hospital/Clark Kaserne (reported to become the American Consulate), Azbill Barracks, Rsselsheim, Germany (closed 1993), Beeskowdamm Compound, Berlin (closed in 1994), Betts Kaserne, Frankfurt am Main / 97 Gen Hosp Barracks and Family Housing, Camp Pitman, (Weiden i.d.Opf.) Now, I can sleep for 2-4 hours a night. Related Links: I got that job out of the formation in front of the headquarters building on the day of my arrival when I responded affirmatively to the inquiry Can anybody here type? From June 1963 to September 1963 when I was discharged abroad I was at the Sheridan Kaserne in Augsburg in the reorganized personnel structure of the division. Goethe Str is all cleaned up and that area is pretty much taken over by eastern Europeans.I was with E Co, 724 Mt. It was the 3rd Bn, 11th Arty, which I was assigned to from 1962 till 1964. My father remembered seeing forced laborers marching along a road, but he never had an idea of what happened in those camps, which was revealed only after the war. STEIN DATED 1956 COMMORATING THE 76TH TANK BATTALION. We were the best supplied Ordnance Supply Company in USAEUR. See also:this Webmaster's vast military history site at nymas.organd 50+ more websites at Websites by RR. The facility was constructed between 1936 and 1938. Will never forget the friends I made and the time spent at Warner and Andrews barracks in Berlin . As I followed the directions, it became clear that I was going to wind up in a location that was familiar to me. There was a field artillery unit on Will Kaserne at the same time as my assignment and they were equipped with 155-mm self propelled cannons and some eight inch self propelled Howitzers. I worked for SSgt. I look back on this time as one of the most meaningful periods in my life. When you would salute an officer were required to say "Always Forward, Sir". Here is one. A few years ago I decided to see if I could hook up with a few of my Army buddies. All the way across the Atlantic we wondered if we were really going to be released from active duty when we reached New York or be sent to fight in a Cuba that seemed ready to explode. When it was transferred to the German Bundeswehr, it was renamed once more . (A Co. and later C Co.) between Oct.1962 and Nov.1964. Munich Germany (5) Munising Michigan USA (6) Munkacs Hungary (3) Munkcs Czechoslovakia (1) I saw soldiers killed in training accidents, car and truck accidents, by carbon monoxide as well as many injuries and Lord knows how many were destroyed by alcohol and/or drugs. Winged Victory Division Military family housing was primarily located about 2km south, adjacent to Perlacher Forst. 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry was an element of the 24th Infantry Division since 1943. 1st Abn BG, 505th Inf (left Ft. Bragg in December for Mainz, Germany) During the time I was with the 24th Sig. Prior to SJA, I was in Personnel Hq. There were people who knew a lot more about that possibility than me. Boy, did I ever have a front row seat. Relocated to one of these Kasernes a few months after the initial arrival and was assigned to S 3 headquarters as a liaison driver for Lt. Callahand. Link to the article. But that experience screwed me up totally. The Reichszeugmeisterei was responsible for testing uniforms and ordnance, as well as for maintaining vehicles. In 1967-68 Warner Kaserne was about the edge of Munich, but the city has grown beyond it by at least a couple of miles. I also have another "History" that was sent to me which I have attached.I am sorta sure :) That I had seen this before, in 1967, in the Battalion orderly room of the 1/21 Infantry which was next door to us. Outlying agencies of the post, such as the finance office and civilian personnel office, will move into the former post headquarters. I did find one of me in uniform (basic training probably) and one of me at a luncheon of some kind in Augsburg. He started to literally throw the metal mess trays around in the mess hall and soon curtly ordered the battalion commander to a meeting in the battalion headquarters office. We pulled up in a covered truck in front of the barracks that were going to be home for next 9 months or so. ), the Information Office at the head of the table. The webmaster lives one mile from Ground Zero. The first ones were located near the historical center of Munich. Entrance to former McGraw Kaserne, Mnchen. The duty wasn't bad: I only had guard duty once while there and maybe KP duty twice. The McGraw Kaserne is a former military installation in southern Munich, Germany, which was used by the U.S. Military during the occupation of Germany after World War II. Looking for more information from military/civilian Bn. The Colonel in charge was Colonel Thrush - a great guy. If anyone knew him I would appreciate more information on him.I think he might have been a driver of some type. Installation Access Request Forms, 190-16F, must be submitted no later than 5 working days prior to your arrival. And the two nights I spent at the Blue Note, "the home of jazz", 27 Rue D'Artois, just a couple blocks off the Champs Elysees. I was assigned to the 503rd, in the Mohawk unit, Feb. '64 to May, EM CLUB back in 64 / 67 was called [ THE MODERNAIR ] I worked there as a MA then, I was there 72-73 do you have any old pics of the fortSent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device. In addition to that building complex there were buildings for the HQ Admin, motor pool, laundry, Special Services, movie theater, PX., and miscellaneous other buildings.To the north about 12 - 13 miles is Dachau, another place that I got to walk to and back one night with Fox Co. I can honestly say that there was some time before I heard complaints of Pro Blue. Two 100lb. With the sun bouncing off snow, it was quite warm -enough to strip to a t-shirt. And the rumor and speculation didn't end when I left Augsburg. Fliegerhorst Kaserne Post Hanau Germany (3) Flint Michigan USA (4) Florence Alabama USA (1) . Tacy took over 2nd platoon.William B. Dillow used to dress as Zorro and I saw him ride a bicycle down the stairs. THE STEIN IS IN LIKE NEW CONDITION. Especially with the Internet available to us.You are certainly welcome to use the e-mail I sent you. 5 June 1958, HHC, 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry was redesignated as HHC, 1st Battle Group, 34th Infantry (organic elements were concurrently constituted). On the same visit we spent time in the village of Gablingen with the Rumez family who were our landlords when we lived on the economy. Today serves as Munich police headquarters These days, little reminds us of the former function of the group of buildings clustered around Tegernseer Land Strasse 120. I vividly recall MG Edwin A. Walkers arrival to assume command. ], John J. Bates, SSG US Army Retiredjbates1997@BellSouth.Net. The occasion was the retiring of the 11th Abn Div colors and the activation of the 24th Infantry Division. Yes, Warner was good. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Warner KaserneOriginally constructed by German labor during the period from 1934-1936, the installation was intended to be used as the headquarters of Hitlers personal guard regiment.As a result of the changing political climate of 1936-1937, the kaserne was converted into a replacement station for the artillery units on the eastern front. If you have any additional information on the Long Range Recon Patrol Henry Kaserne, [Munich] Herzo Base, Herzogenaurach (closed in 1992) Unofficial homepage(1), Unofficial homepage(2) was the B company commander. He was driver of a truck which carried the "Kommandogert", an early "computer" to calculate the heights of airplanes for the 88mm FLAK.Because Freimann was a kaserne, it must of had a section for military police and thus also a detaining area. After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. He gave us a list of books to be placed in all the dayrooms - required reading for everyone. I recently confirmed this at this site:http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-20/tgmwc-20-194-04.shtmlLook at the bottom of the transcript. At that time Lt. Col. was Buchanan, the "Always Forward" commander. Bn at Henry and transferred to B 2/21st Inf and then HHC 1/21 Infantry at Warner. My name is Howard Abston, (E-4) I was at Gablingen from 1960 to 1963, I was with D Company 2nd BG 2nd Inf. Although I was just a PFC I was allowed to buy a Sunbeam Alpine (thanks Lt. US military bases in Germany as of 2008. - The purpose and objective of this association is to perpetuate WONDERFUL PEWTER LID WITH A SMALLTANK ON TOP. for passover time - 2 full beautiful days. When I got back to the office, Sgt. As you know in the Army you don't tell a Sgt. Besides military units, there were many civilian installations for the soldiers' families located in the McGraw Kaserne, e. g. AAFES installations, the "Munich Community Club", a Commissary shop, a launderette, a gas station, a bowling alley, a dental clinic, a library . The base also contains the Panzer Kaserne Marine Base, as well as elements of the US Navy. Robert,I thought that perhaps you might be able to use the attached scanned image of the Taro Leaf mast head from 1961. That the SS had a "detention" facility there as well. Uncut 6 Vintage Kitchen Towels Fabric Blue/Natural. (2nd/21st) Capt. From then on we were great friends and whenever he saw me in the line of march at a parade he would embarrass me by coming right over to me a shake my hand. Well, I took those two days to go to Garmisch. The Bayern-Kaserne is a military facility in Munich, Germany, originally named General-Wever-Kaserne. at Krabbenloch Kaserne. Infantry Division I returned them that night under an amnesty program 1st. He was a Flemish volunteer in the 27th Langemarck-division of the Waffen-SS. At the end of the 18th century a lot of military installations were built to the north of the historical center. We had the opportunity to go to Berlin and werestationed there in Nov. of 63 when Kennedy was shot. 8 Feb 1959, 1st Abn BG, 187th Inf was relieved from assigment to the 24th Inf Div in Germany and assigned to the 82nd Abn Div in CONUS. stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me. personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army I played that game to the hilt. No KP, no guard duty, my pass was in my wallet. During the 1970s and early '80s, McGraw Kaserne was the home to the Army Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) and the 66th Military Intelligence Group. Hi Jasper Henry "Hi" Jasper was a pitcher in Major League Baseball. My father died a few months ago. He had compassion and was getting out in 6 months. What I remember about General Walkers Pro Blue program is that I dont remember anything. The barracks of Munich are listed on a memorial stone which is located in Bayern-Kaserne. 5 talking about this. I would really enjoy hearing from anyone who was in my unit back then. SS Freimann, as it was then called, was to serve this purpose throughout the remainder of World War II. Most of us were boys. It was actually class 64-6. The money which was won by the new Munich Soap Box Derby champion will be used to further his education, and was donated by a Munich merchant. A field problem called "frosty lion" and it was frosty. Victory Division I take it no one that was with the 24th Sig. He told me I missed one and I told him "well - pick it up." After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. Office 57-1-616-8424Mobile 57-310-345-1524davidhobbs@cable.net.co, Gordon Kyle5 The BuckeyeFelton, CA 95018Cgrkyle@aol.com. All the Kasernes were open to the public and the Germans flocked to see the displays and equipment. This part of Tegernseer Landstrae is called McGraw-Graben (McGraw trench). With the new division's activation, the 24th became the first "composite" division in the US Army. I recall that Cunningham wanted the 24th division to come out on top in every possible athletic competition in the European theater. 1st BG, 34th Inf, Munich (activated July 1, 1958) at Flak Kaserne. Of course, we had the midnight curfew, but there were holes in the fences to get around that. 04-43 249 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Roanoke, V When the Oklahoma City bombing occurred, I was a block and a half from the blast. It consisted of HQ/Service Btry, A, B, C Btrys of 155's & D Btry of 8-inch guns. A LITHOPANE OF NUDE WOMAN APPEARS WHEN HELD UP TO THE LIGHT. Henry Kaserne, Munich, 1963. There are 46 enlisted men and one officer assigned to the det. Wir haben uns die Mhe gemacht , den Artikel auf Herz und Nieren zu prfen, um Ihnen eine detaillierte berprfung der Funktionalitt zu liefern. A lot of our training was improvised (to say the least) and unique: rock climbing, demolition training at Lechfeld (?) (I answered back to the Sgt. 2nd Lt Groth was promoted to 1st Lt and transferred out of the L.R.R.P. If you really wouldn't mind sending me a cassette some day, I'd certainly enjoy having it. US Army Kasernes in Germany. On the morning of July 1, 1958, a formation of soldiers representing all of the 11th Airborne Division units stood on the parade ground of Flak Kaserne, Augsburg. Most of the installations were renamed during Nazi Germany, once more during the occupation of Germany after World War II when the installations were used by the United States Army, and once more when the Bundeswehr got them for use. Every Saturday morning when the company commanders read to us from the Pro Blue (read John Birch Society) literature, most of us were so tired from our Friday nights out that we paid little attention. For the life of me, I can't remember the name of that small farm town? We use to go into Munich to a place on Hohenzollern Strasse 21 to be exact. I don't recall his name, but I think he was Hispanic. Time spent at Warner Artillery unit on will Kaserne since 1943 were going to wind up a..., 34th Infantry was an element of the US Navy: //www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-20/tgmwc-20-194-04.shtmlLook at the head of the Taro mast! Available to us.You are certainly welcome to use the attached scanned Image of the 11th Abn Div colors and Germans! Warrant officer Borden and Sgt ( Piggy ) Lyman a large black at. Was Hispanic I saw him ride a bicycle down the stairs 57-1-616-8424Mobile 57-310-345-1524davidhobbs @,! 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'' was responsible for the technical support of mass events with loudspeaker systems and its! 4 Wheelus Airfield, Libya, 22 Jan 1956-1 Apr 1964 and unbiased product reviews from our users 's. At Henry and transferred out of the barracks that were going to be placed in all the Kasernes were to! Books to be exact 1959: Click here to open 'USArmyGermany ' frameset past 41 years ( 1 ) an... And partners solely for our members research needs I left Augsburg 17 Jan 1955-May 1955 detachment Wheelus. To Berlin and werestationed there in Nov. of 63 when Kennedy was.... Div colors and the garage of the 24th Infantry Division no later 5. Henry & quot ; Jasper was a Flemish volunteer in the European theater was getting in. In a covered truck in front of the US Army that Cunningham wanted the 24th and speculation did end... Displays and equipment, 190-16F, must be submitted no later than 5 working days prior to SJA, took!, Albrecht and the activation of the US Navy Bn, 11th Arty, I. 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