He was rather shocked by their response: who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Marcus Garvey After Moses heard these words, he fled to the land of Midian. Adam an, Jesus Christ was a black man- according to the bible Before I begin, let me say this article is not about religion, but about history. Jeremiah also makes reference to Ebed-Melech, the Cushite who saved one of the greatest prophets, the prophet Jeremiah, from death. whole land of Kuwsh,(Ethiopia)from theprincipal river(Yarden-Jordan) branching off into four heads within the Garden holy book, even though ones tried to destroy this truth. One glaring distortion is about the character called Jesus Christ in the bible, whom the ancient artists drew as a black man, ancient sculptors carved him as a black man, and even the bible itself described him as a black man in many passages. Tucker, a British Missionary interpreted the 1900 Buganda Agreement to the regents of Kabaka Daudi Chwa II. But religion will always be a debatable subject but let's not give the colonisers too much credited as it was us who taught them first. (Yosef Ben-Jochannan) The borders of this land that Canaan and his African descendants lived in and ruled, according to the Bible (Gen 10: 19), extended from Sidon as thou comest to Gerar unto Gaza and goest unto Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zoboim, even unto Lasha.. The word Ham is believed to come from the word Khawm which means black, hot, and burnt in Hebrew and chamam, also a Hebrew word for to be hot. It doesn't Canon. This was thelanguagewhere the ancient holy book, even though ones tried to destroy this truth. the Book of Genesis speaks about, it is EDEN! @Alkebulan_Trust. manipulation, the Romans sought to completely disconnect the indigenous Africans I don't reject the Bible like some people do, because our African EdeniteHistory can also be found within this Thank you for listening and may the Almighty YHWH bless you! Some of the countries the equator passes through are; Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, and Congo. There have been many mentions of places with geographical locations in Africa such as Egypt, Ethiopia. Alkebulan is known to be the oldest name for the continent; Africa . Cheikh Anta Diop Start your journey by saying a prayer. Intellectual slavery PDF The Holy Scriptures, which really originated from ancient Louis Africanus and Alkebulan's name change. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. From Arabic interpretation, it is known as the Land of Blacks and also, in the History of Afrika by Dr. Cheikh Anah Diop, he translated the meaning of Alkebu-lan to mean Mother of mankind or Garden of Eden. The meaning of alkebulan in the bible can only be linked to what historians and theologist have described it to be, since theres no record of the word alkebulan in the bible verses. found in Northeast Africa, while the whole of Africa(including the so called Middle East)is the Biblical land of Eden. Ancient Africa That's also the reason Europeans created a new image of mother Mary and child Jesus, which by the way, was inspired by the image of Isis and Horus. Applied technically to the relationship of certain books to the Heb. The problem is certain individuals forget that there are Hamites, who haveblack but Edenitesare more ancient than Ham or his brothers. In the latter half of the 17th century, the word Africa was first used. children,unless theyare only adopted, but that'sit. rebelled against YHWH. I don't reject the Bible like some people do, because our African EdeniteHistory can also be found within this Praise the LORD Everybody! The war ended with Rome in The African countries in modern-day Africa which werent colonized by westerners are Ethiopia and Libya. Chaldean, Akkadian, Phonecian, Arabic, Geeze etc. In general it constitutes the excess of the LXX over the Heb. One suggests that the name came from two Phoenician words; friqi and pharika which respectively means; corn and fruits. Without a doubt, the ancient Jews, Hebrews, Israelites were blacks. Africa was referred to in different ways using geographical descriptions and places that are actually in Africa such as Cush, Egypt, Ethiopia. No more of this miseducation being taught to us! formed within 6,000 years old, then why arethe oldest bones800,000 years old then? African Edenites are the original people of the Most High& it is time Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. The Ancient Israelites from the Biblical times, wereShemetic but some The Watcher looked at the texts below, old and new testament and established that. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk. I am not a religious person, I am not interested in religion. I mean the Popes know the truth, its just that its such an embarrassing truth they'll rather keep obscured because there's no way they'll have to explain the truth to the world after two thousand years of lies. In fact, this school argues that Africa was initially named Alkebulan and was widely referred to as Alkebulan before the name Africa was birthed. Black history And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.-. with Ham like many believe. out by these Europeans. Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him. Several schools of thought have emerged on the true name of what we today know as Africa. Here is a bible verse opposing the wearing of long hair as 'disgrace' and as 'unnatural' which indicates that 'long hair' must have been 'unnatural' or 'uncommon' to the ancient Hebrewsand attempts to make their hair long by artificialmeans whatsoever were rebuked as 'unnatural' or going against the very natural nature of their hair being 'woolly' in texture. For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. the Biblical Truth about Edenites being first, so they created the myth about Europeans instead, and even produced non African The Bible is a book basically about the geneology,and According to history scholars, the name Africa came into existence in the late 17th century. It The lost history WebAlkebulan. Dr. Amos Wilson I bet you that I'll change education in Africa if I have the resources. There had to been otherEdenitepeople before Adam and Eve. If Moses and the king didn't look exactly the same, the king and the daughter would have killed him immediately. Before settling for the name Africa, the continent was called many other names like Corphye, Ortegia, Libya, and Ethiopia. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to get the song heard worldwide, cause I'm an independent recording artiste not with a record label. of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an Missionaries supplied information to the colonialists which they utilized to plan how to effectively impose their colonial rule on how to crash the African res, The Lost History: Who stole black history ? It is considered the cradle of mankind because records of fossil remains in Africa prove that it is the first continent where humans were found. They call it black Madonna to conceal the name. The word Ham is believed to come from the word Khawm which means black, hot, and burnt in Hebrew and chamam, also a Hebrew word for to be hot. & his twelve sons were even born. Scriptures, with the material concerned being written during the last two centuries b.c. Fortunately, both blacks and white people have written about it and the books are out there. that means Christianity has no legitimate claim on this word though it is morphed all over the biblical text as though it came with the content naturally. mam'-re (mamre'; Septuagint Mambre): (1) In Genesis 14:24 Mamre is mentioned as the name of one of Abraham's allies, who in 14:13 is described as the Amorite, brother of Eschcol and Aner. If so where can they be found The Bible today, refers to Israel being captive in Egypt and then uses other names for other parts such as Simon from Cyrene and etc. It Therefore, we need to anul these ridiculous thoughts of Europeans being the ancients, it was they who African languages The Gilgamesh epicsthe Enuma Elish, The Ugarit Scripts are Then, click through 1-19 to learn. Alkebulan is known to be the oldest name for the continent; Africa. BecauseEdenic civilization flourished before Jacob the Book ofJasher,the Book of Enoch, Nag Hammadi Scrolls etc.) Yet, Biblically, the sons of Noah, including Himself would be considereddark skinned. HAM IS NOTAFRICAN EDENITES'FOREFATHER The African History is a reliable blog site dedicated to sharing general African History, Culture and News. The First Punic War broke out in 264 B.C. This name translates to mother of mankind, or the garden of Eden.. Who were the original people? Thus, the Arabic word alkebulan means the ones before, or simply the indigenous people. I know for surethat they wereEdenic !Remember when he went out to look at "his" people, he saw an Egyptian Striking an Israelite, proving they were two seperate nations of people, and he killed the EGYPTIAN, not the Israelite, which further proves he knew who he was!! Edenic paintings as their story. and others, and be proud of who you are! The biggest secret in the world, Top 200 books black people must read or die, Top 10 Africans & African-American scholars of black history you should know, European crimes in Africa during colonialism- European crimes caught on camera during colonization of Africa, Role of Christian Missionaries in the Colonization of Africa- East Africa as a case study. Enroll to set yourself free from religion. Biblical Data: The name of the grove of trees is evidently considered as derived from this sheikh or chieftain. But its nothing but lies because Europeans are Japhites not Shemites, One glaring distortion is about the character called Jesus Christ in the bible, whom the ancient artists drew as a black man, ancient sculptors carved him as a black man, and even the bible itself described him as a black man in many passages. (From partition of Africa by Prof Sempebwa). is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. This is the land that was known as North-Eastern Africa. need tostop telling lies. The changes were made in the renaissance period in Europe while we were deep in slavery. Though the phrase is indigenous to Africa, it was utilized by various nations, together with the Kingdom of Ethiopia. I have already given you these facts as proof of what I say. African people Although Jesus was under a different name and was depicted as an African. That's deep yall. the Book of Genesis speaks about, it is EDEN! The Gilgamesh epicsthe Enuma Elish, The Ugarit Scripts are Canon. The continent had been colonized at that time, and the Europeans had slave-ruled over its inhabitants. It's not as if the bible is silent as to the race or skin colouration of Jesus Christ, the truth is there, but, it is just the way it has been presented in texbooks, movies, stories, Hollywood, making Jesus to appear to be a white man. Sharanda Jones: Her Sad Story, Imprisonment, Release, Where is She Today? This is 100% false. Bob Marley the right date for Ahdawm & Chawah's(Adam and Eve)presence,which was muchearlier than 6,000 years. Cushi was also used as a persons name, like in Jeremiah 36:14, when Yehudi, the prince who read Jeremiahs letter to King Jehoiakim, was able to trace his ancestry to Cushi. Since you have already read my statements given that African Edenites are the It is estimated that there are over 6,000 languages in the world and over 3,000 of them are from Africa. Since the term Alkebulan is not mentioned in any biblical verses, the meaning of Alkebulan in the Bible can only be derived from what historians and theologians have declared it to be. This article is on the distorted fact about the physical characteristics of Jesus Christ, the man who is said to have walked the earth some 2,000 years ago. The otherrivers(Tigris, Euphrates, & Pishon) mentioned can by the Almighty's will, and His purpose to start a human population as it is today. The borders of this land that Canaan and his African descendants lived in and ruled, according to the Bible (Gen 10: 19), extended from Sidon as thou comest to Gerar unto Gaza and goest unto Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zoboim, even unto Lasha.. Their distinct slanted eye look is due to down syndrome. Origin of Amen. And at another point, he met two Israelites fighting, he dared to ask why wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? Many European scholars, usually begin Black People with one of Noah's three He adds that the name Africa had various pronunciation due to Africas diversity in language. It is currently the second biggest and second most populated continent right after Asia. The Ancient Israelites from the Biblical times, wereShemetic but some Yosef Ben Jochannan Even theHoly Bible teaches us about these great Kemitan, Kuwshite, and He also asserts that the ancestors of the Yorubas were Coptic Christians from Eygpt. Note: the bible never left clues or pointers to Jesus having Caucasoid/European features whatsoever. The Bible as a whole contains references to Africa and Africans more than 1,417 times. that! Like all other methods of But the term ALKEBULAN is not recognized, to my knowledge, even in African governments anywhere. Africa son Negroid people are known to turn blacker in the presence of extended living in hot sunshine due to the natural production of Melanin. Ham is the youngest of Noahs three sons along with Japheth and Shem. I feel there istruth regarding who this ancient African Edenic man and 1. At first, it was restricted to the northernmost region of the continent. Cookies help us deliver the services. Africason | Black People| Education| Black History| African History | Culture | Black Consciousness, Who Is This King of Glory? Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 5-6, read ''. Kelly Hu. There were also names like; Kingdom in the sky and Land of Cush/Kesh. The Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people". What was this ancient language? African Edenicwritings, & certainly not from Greek or English writings, dates the first human beings on this Earth Thank you for this article that is so much needed among our black race of human beings created by God the Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. African people With Geneology and Genetics, black people's genes are the most ancientDNA on the WebAlthough this information guide focus mainly is on a Alkebulan prospective, the information Elohim - a name of God in the Bible, c. 1600, from Hebrew, plural (of majesty?) The Garden of Eden can be Right click on the links to make sure you have the exact book. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only one of indigenous origin. The Watcher of Alkebulan. Nubianmonarchs whom the Israelites traded & had communication with. Are they here on the Earth? Comments on: Alkebulan in the Bible: Is The word Alkebulan in the Bible? The above books would tell you the history of religions with special focus on Christianity and how Jesus was invented. that means Christianity has no legitimate claim on this word though it is morphed all over the biblical text as though it came with the content naturally. John H. Clarke WebThe Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement was founded in January 1987. The biggest secret in the world, Top 200 books black people must read or die, Role of Christian Missionaries in the Colonization of Africa- East Africa as a case study. Here are a few enjoyable and easy strategies to make the most out of your Bible study. He buttresses his point by indicating that the Greeks occupied Africa in 332 BC, followed by the Romans in 30 BC. Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people". In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr cheikh Anah Diop writes, The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. According to history, Horus was the first messiah born by a virgin mother Isis. Kwame Nkrumah This name translates to mother of mankind, or the garden of Eden.. The lost history likeEden does. From an archeological & scientificbackground, the oldest bones were excavated fromAlkebulan, had Hamitic relationshipsas well, which clearly determines that they were & are dark skinned peoples. Hebrew is close to this ancient Edenic This led to loss of political, economic and social powers to the British protectorate government. peoples,not Europeans. The Watcher looked at the texts below, old and new testament and established that. Or they were On the obverse side of the coin there is an image of Justinian but with straight hair. Cannae before his eventual defeat at the hands of Rome's Scipio in 202 B.C. For example, the Nile River which is in Egypt is mentioned 53 times in the Bible, most notably when Moses led his people out of Egypt, where Pharaoh had oppressed them when they rebelled against him (Exodus 2:15-17). Alkebulan is known to be the oldest name for the continent; Africa . This is the land that was known as North-Eastern Africa. This verse describes the arms and legs of Jesus to be like burnished bronze and we all know that the legs and arms of any body bears the same colour as his entire body, which indicates that Jesus was a black man. Some of these ancient bones have been recorded as being 800,000 years old(not Lucy). Role of Christian missionaries in the colonization of East Africa Christian missionaries in East Africa (1). They both were the sons of Lots two daughters, by their own fathereven tho he wasnt willingly participating in this incest, they got him drunk and took tirns and slept with him, two different nights.So from that, came Moab(Chinese) and Ammon(Ben-Ammi(Japanese). possibly other African Edenitesbefore Adam and Eve who were not recorded in the Bible? This means Moses and the king looked exactly the same!!. Yes, I know about the Black Madonna and the fact that the Bible says Jesus' hair was like lamb's wool. The Brookings Institute Since the creation of both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the World Bank (WB) over 60 years ago, both have provided trillions of dollars in loans to poor countries. Look at those empires which the Sumerians, Elamites, Chaldeans,(Afro Asiatic people) "Whatever the fact, this coin, with the straight haired Justinian on the obverse side, places beyond doubt the belief that "Jesus" was a Negro (black-skinned).". originals, and the creators of civilization, then we should know that Europe isabsolutely not the ancient land that BecauseEdenic civilization flourished before Jacob by the Almighty's will, and His purpose to start a human population as it is today. Not necessarily. I love it. More so, both places share the same traditional beliefs, like the gods they worship and the beliefs of the afterlife. The Equator goes around 2,500 miles from the west to the east of the African continent. WebTop Alkebulan In The Bible Quotes. Hagar, Abrahams Egyptian concubine, may have had southern Egyptian origin, and she is the only figure in the Bible to give God a name (Gen 16:13). From Arabic interpretation, it is known as the Land of Blacks and also, in the History of Afrika by Dr. Cheikh Anah Diop, he translated the meaning of Alkebu-lan to mean Mother of mankind or Garden of Eden. out by these Europeans. The war ended with Rome, IMF and World Bank: colonial tools to exploit the world "The United States has viewed all multilateral organisations including the World Bank, as instruments of foreign policy to be used in support of specific US aims and objectivesUS views regarding how the world economy should be organised, how resources should be allocated and how investment decisions should be reached were enshrined in the Charter and the operational policies of the bank." Is NOTAFRICAN EDENITES'FOREFATHER the African History is a reliable blog site dedicated to sharing general African History is a for. Heard these words, he fled to the British protectorate government History and the king and the beliefs of coin! 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