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so his own book didnt works. The title page of the revised edition omits a quote from the American Medical Association: “…  treatment primarily involves not taking a drink …” — a quote which had been in the original. [Emphasis in original.]. I like the BB’s spiritual approach. Doctors do not always know best. Living Sober is an extremely informative book which does not offer a plan for getting sober but does offer us sound advice about how to stay sober. Living Sober (Click to Download) Doc. There seems to be an inverse relationship between sobriety and spirituality. Living Sober is explicitly secular.

At the same time, Bill Wilson was receiving millions of dollars in royalties from AA books — of which he was by no means the sole author (long story here). Even then I was not alone as a freethinker. My current Boston home group has the up-front name, “Atheists and Agnostics.” At each meeting, we start off by reading and discussing a chapter from, The author, Barry Leach, a gay man, received only a one-time payment for writing, Those of you who attend regular AA groups should make sure that the literature table always includes copies of. In New York City he worked as a market research executive, writing on the side.

member of AA. I first joined the Living Sober forum after an especially difficult day in February of 2017, and received immediate support from other members. He has twelve books to his credit. The original cover is in yellow and tan, yellow being a color associated with reason. We have also found that we have to stay away from mind-changing drugs. If you think Bill W got millions of dollars? Nevertheless, it is a 5 Star book because of the content and it serves me well in my recovery to touch base on things here and there.

John was born and raised in Nebraska. Living Sober can provide some deeper insights into what would be good for the alcoholic life. The best sponsorship. Skype: Contact Web Manager: To Participate In my opinion, the best policy is free speech. I heard most of this advice when I got sober in 1968, in Greenwich Village groups and the midnight meeting. Many times in the first years of my sobriety I heard about disasters that happened when alcoholics took sleeping pills, which are “sedative hypnotics,” a category which includes alcohol. He founded Pagan Press in 1982. Videos or graphic images may not be downloaded, copied or duplicated without the express written permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. @tom4500 I’ve been an atheist the whole time (Aug ‘93). I believe that our movement will succeed when we offer the very best AA wherever we are. I stress this because AA is currently under attack for its bedrock principle of abstinence. Some spiritual people feel threatened by an emphasis on not drinking.

At some point, AA should fully and honestly confront psychoactive drug use among its members, but the issue is beyond the scope of this article, so I’ll drop it here. Most of the chapters in the revised edition have only trivial changes or none. I dont like Living Sober,…. That’s what our “Atheists and Agnostics” groups do in the Boston area. The audio version of this article was recorded by Len R. from Jasper, Georgia. Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Click any of the chapter links below to read the chapter, - Books about Alternatives to the 12 Steps, - Ward Ewing on Spirituality & 'God-Talk', - Ward Ewing on Spirituality and Religion, - Ward Ewing on the 2010 'A Vision for Us', 4 Remembering that alcoholism is an incurable, progressive, fatal disease, 9 Eating or Drinking Something - usually sweet, 15 Watching Out for Anger and Resentments, 21 Avoiding Dangerous Drugs and Medications, 24 Steering Clear of Emotional Entanglements. Years later, after his book had become a bestseller, he asked AA for a new contract that would give him royalties. John dates his alcoholism from his first bender in 1958 to his last drink in 1968. We should be able to share what we know. Len would like to start a secular AA meeting in his area. Tradition 10 states: “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.” This tradition has served AA well over the decades. Fair enough, but concerning drugs and alcoholism, the opinion of a well-informed AA member may be worth more than that of the average doctor, who learns almost nothing about alcoholism in medical school. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. its the only AA book with out  spiritual content. This is a difficult area. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We hailed Living Sober as “Conference-approved” literature, which described what we knew as the true AA — the AA that works — the AA that had saved our lives. He attended  Harvard College (AB 1963), majoring in Social Relations (Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychology). This is the official Website of the General Service Office (G.S.O.) Living Sober is an extremely informative book which does not offer a plan for getting sober but does offer us sound advice about how to stay sober. ... 22 Eliminating Self Pity. Living Sober is filled with practical advice on how to stay away from the first drink and lead a happy and productive life in sobriety. I understand that Barry Leach soon was drunk again. I remember when it was published, back in 1975, when I had been sober for seven years. The best sponsorship. Without the steps, there’s no “moral psychology.” Where’s the inner work without the inventory and amends process? One study found that almost everything most doctors know about drugs comes from “detail men” — “detail men” being a pharmaceutical industry euphemism for “salesmen.” As I said, this is a difficult area. John now lives in Dorchester, Massachusetts. From beginning to end, Living Sober is about abstinence — staying away from the first drink a day at a time. Living Sober can be our guide. Just ignore them. This practical 90-page booklet demonstrates through simple example how A.A. members throughout the world live and stay sober one day at a time. And an appendix directed to medical professionals has been written, also to be friendlier to the pharmaceutical industry. He was in the antiwar movement since 1965 and the gay liberation movement since July 1969.

I stayed at least physically sober… Read more ». Other chapters discuss gratitude, eating nutritionally, “Easy Does It,” going to meetings, telephone therapy, and much more. Literature Living Sober B-7 - Living Sober This practical 90-page booklet demonstrates through simple example how A.A. members throughout the world live and stay sober one day at a time. Please email if interested. Living Sober is moderated by our Community Manager Mrs D and a team of member volunteers, but is not monitored 24 hours a day.

Those of you who attend regular AA groups should make sure that the literature table always includes copies of Living Sober. One drink can change the thinking of an alcoholic so that he feels he can tolerate another, and then another, and another …. The worst sedative hypnotics are barbiturates, which are like alcohol in dry form, but all of them are dangerous for alcoholics. Both editions of Living Sober say that AA members should not give medical advice.

In the original edition, from 1975 to 2012, the Steps were neither described nor listed. All Rights Reserved. Living Sober is filled with practical advice on how to stay away from the first drink and lead a happy and productive life in sobriety.
Continues to Process Literature Orders, Alcoholics Anonymous Facsimile First Printing. The many useful ideas and resources here are very helpful, but it’s the ability to connect with others and share their experiences, their sober lives that means the most to me now.

Accordingly, the second chapter is “Staying away from the first drink” and the third is “Using the 24-hour plan.”. Len would like to start a secular AA meeting in his area. When we share experiences with each other, knowledge is part of our experience. Conspicuously missing on the new cover is a sentence that was in the original: “Some methods AA members have used for not drinking.” Apparently, the approving conference didn’t like a book about not drinking. In Chapter 21, “Avoiding Dangerous Drugs and Medications,” two paragraphs are re-written to be friendlier to the pharmaceutical industry.

The author, Barry Leach, a gay man, received only a one-time payment for writing Living Sober. Atheists can learn these actions the same way believer-alcoholics can learn them – through the moral psychology of the program. Literature - Non-Religious Spiritual Recovery ... Click any of the chapter links below to read the chapter. This emotion is so ugly that no one in his or her right mind wants to admit feeling it. I ripped up that book it is diluted and maybe good for heavy drinkers but not real alcoholics, I guess since AA branched out beyond the first two groups and AA ceased being directly taught by the original pioneers, a different AA sprang up along side and parallel to the AA delineated in the Big Book and Twelve and Twelve. For a decade, beginning in 1985, John was a leading writer for the New York Native, which was then the foremost gay paper.

The request was denied.

The audio version of this article was recorded by Len R. from Jasper, Georgia. The chapters are short, appropriate for group readings. Literature Pages‎ > ‎- Living Sober‎ > ‎ 22 Eliminating Self Pity. The revised cover is in a light, cloudy blue that suggests church magazines or “inspirational” books. On the Living Sober page following the table of contents is a quote from the American Medical Association: Alcohol, aside from its addictive qualities, also has a psychological effect that modifies thinking and reasoning.
It’s an action. In the chapter, “Using the Serenity Prayer,” we read: “Whether we belong to this church or that, whether we are humanists, agnostics, or atheists, most of us have found these words a wonderful guide in getting sober, staying sober and enjoying our sobriety.” What a contrast this is to the helpless-without-god religiosity in the Big Book! I could quibble about a few things — like the overly laudatory chapter on AA literature or the suggestion to eat sweet things — but these are minor.

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