Click the Settings button underneath the Moderation module or navigate to it via the sidebar. 18 min ago, C# | First, make sure you are listed as a Dyno Admin in your server (you should have the Manage Server role permission). addrank [name] (hex color) (hoist), delrank Delete a rank delrank [role name], rank Join/leave a rank. role role [user] [role], role add Add a user to a role or roles. Being the owner, it’s on you to police the chat environment, ensuring those in your community feel comfortable and continue to help it thrive. tags, C# | New command override: Create a command override that will apply to all the channels in the channel override. To be honest thats $7.50 that should be apart of a core feature within IP.Board. The next window will depend on which account (Twitch or YouTube) you used to login to Nightbot. There are a great many Discord filter bots available that will remove any and all profanity tossed onto the “bad word blacklist”. Read Joseph's Full Bio. Nightbot will now filter all words and phrases that you added to the Blacklist, from your Discord chat channels. Powered by Invision Community, PO Box 2365 report. If you would like Dyno to be able to mass ban raiders from your server, follow this guide to enable the command. Remove a moderator or moderator role. When You reset in ACP points to 0 nothing happens. Server management just got a whole lot easier! modlogs Get a list of mod logs for a user modlogs [user], ignored List channels and users where commands are ignored. 22. queue queue clear, queue repeat Enable/disable repeating the music queue. What you’re going to need is a Discord filter bot that filters out any profanity you deem unwelcome in your community. View Entire Discussion (1 Comments) More posts from the Dynodiscord community. I reported this confusing thing HERE on the tracker, but i think IPS will see this as not a bug. Custom Commands List How to Create a Command. 22. whois [user mention], randomcolor Generates a random hex color with preview. tag create [tag name] [content], tag edit Edit an existing tag. rolename [role name], [new name], autopurge Add or remove a channel for automatic purging autopurge, autopurge list List auto purge channels. Enable or disable a command. Use the volume command for more info. (Does not affect mods and managers) ignorechannel [channel], ignoreuser Toggles command usage for a user. Is it me or now even the option to "remove all" is gone as well? So IPS: Please give us the MUST HAVE option to delete a warning and/or reset the current warning to "0" (default). Dynobot comes with an anti-spam/auto moderation filter that is incredibly useful for eliminating the profanity from your Discord chat. or @mention Example: !help or @UnbelievaBoat#1046 help Command Usage Syntax [] - optional parameter Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. A fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. queue queue repeat, queue shuffle Shuffle the music queue. Once clicked, you’ll receive the very familiar authorization dialog. You must wait for their timed mute to run out for Dyno to add back the roles. The module also allows you to set up things such as Moderation Log Channels, Protected/Moderator Roles, and certain options which will change how the module works. Warnings are automatically cleared after 90 days. You can also determine the length of time you’d like to timeout anyone using the words you’ve added to the list and any role you feel is exempt from punishment. Delete a server role. They will not get messaged to the user. Familiarize yourself with handling and functions of the product prior to actual use. Dyno is used on 3,000,000+ servers, we invite you to try it out and hope you enjoy! serverinvite, whois Get user information. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, music, custom commands, and much more! Dyno. role role add [user] [role], role remove Remove a user from a role or roles. First, make sure you are listed as a Dyno Admin in your server (you should have the Manage Server role permission). Posted by 4 days ago. Here you can set up how Dynobot handles the use of anyone uttering profanity in chat. Those using profanity found on the Blacklist will be punished according to the length of time you set. I reported this confusing thing HERE on the tracker, but i think IPS will see this as not a bug. save. Lock a channel with optional timer and message. role role humans [role], role in Add/remove users to or from a role that are in a role. He's a night owl and an avid Red Bull consumer who spends most of his downtime enthralled by online gaming and website building. Nightbot will need to be made a moderator for it to work on Discord. It moderates your server, mutes spammers, checks the weather, verifies new members, denies users using VPNs access to your server, and much more. purge text [number], role Add/remove a user to a role or roles. 2 hours ago, PHP | Sign in on the homepage using your Discord account credentials. The ?modlogs command will not function unless a Moderation Log Channel is selected. Toggles command usage for a channel. The Moderation module allows you to use any Moderator command. 1 hour ago, Dart | addrole [name] [hex color] [hoist], clearwarn Clear warnings a user clearwarn [user], delmod Remove a bot moderator delmod [user or role], delrole Delete a role delrole [role name], mentionable Toggle making a role mentionable on/off mentionable [role name], modules List available modules modules, nick Change the bot nickname. To view the warnings for a user, use the ?warnings command. rolecolor [role name] [hex color], command Enable/disable a command command [command name], module Enable/disable a module module [module name], setnick Change the nickname of a user. (Limit 100) purge links [number], purge invites Delete server invites posted in the channel. For help on creating command overrides, refer to Command override. This link only removes the LOG entry, not the warning (points) itself. Yep. Click here to learn more about Premium. Do you want Dyno to respond differently to certain moderator commands in your server? Documentation on all of UnbelievaBoat's commands. Unless you set up these channels, that command will not work. Change the duration of a timed punishment. From there, you can choose which responses you would like to change. Warnings are automatically cleared after 90 days. You may have noticed that Discord has a built-in Explicit Content Filter, so why would you ever need a bot to do the job? Once you have these set up, you can then integrate your Nightbot account with your Discord account and add it to your server. (Limit 1 role) role role in [in role], [role], rolecolor Change the color of a role.
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