Campaigners are calling for universities to waive grades and open offers for the first year of university, citing that the algorithm-based system as unfair. The number of students shown for each type of qualification is the number who completed their 16 to 18 study at this school or college in 2019. Reduanul achieved A*A*A and he is going to UCL to study medicine. 6% grades 9-7, 6. More detail is available in Learning English from Netflix, she earned a Mathematics degree at the Warwick University. Friday 8th January 2021 and will close on Friday 12th February 2021. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated. Open help text for Academy converter opens a popup, Open help text for Multi-academy trust (MAT) opens a popup, Open help text for Ofsted rating opens a popup, Open help text for Non-selective opens a popup, Open help text for Financial information opens a popup, Open help text for Get information about schools opens a popup, Open help text for Download data 2015-2018 opens a popup, Open help text for Progress 8 score opens a popup, Open help text for Progress 8 score for Brampton Manor Academy (2019)), Open help text for Entering EBacc opens a popup, Open help text for Staying in education or entering employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4 opens a popup, Open help text for Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs opens a popup, Open help text for Attainment 8 score opens a popup, Open help text for EBacc average point score opens a popup, Subjects entered at key stage 4 in 2018/2019, Advanced level qualifications (level 3) results over time, Print full information about this school/college, Staying in education or entering employment, Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs, Total number of pupils on roll (all ages), Pupils with an SEN Education, Health and Care Plan, Pupils whose first language is not English, Pupils eligible for free school meals at any time during the past 6 years, LOWCOV = Low coverage: shown for the âvalue addedâ measure and coverage indicator where schools have less than 50% of pupils included in calculation of the measure, NA = Not applicable: figures are either not available for the year in question, or the data field is not applicable to the school or college, NE = No entries: the school or college did not enter any pupils or students for the qualifications covered by the measure, NP = Not published: for example, we do not publish Progress 8 data for independent schools and independent special schools, or breakdowns by disadvantaged and other pupils for independent schools, independent special schools and non-maintained special schools, SP = Small percentage: the number is between 0% and 0.5%. It’s sixth form was opened in 2012 and has received consistent praise for improving enrolment rates from the deprived areas of East London. The final deadline for submission is Friday 8th February. GOV.UK uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. We will be hosting a virtual open evening on Thursday 7th January 2021. Our feedback survey is currently closed. 47 students from the Brampton Manor School in East Ham, many of whom are from deprived minority backgrounds, earned spots in Oxbridge universities. In previous years absence data was based on the autumn and spring terms only. Meanwhile, others have voluntarily launched mentorship schemes to help fellow students secure places at top universities. ElementProto.closest = function closest(selector) { For further information on this school's finances, visit the Schools financial benchmarking service. This will be a ticketed event with tickets released on our website on Thursday 26th November 2020. Teaching is excellent… The contribution of the teaching drives the students’ excellent achievement and exceptional academic progress. Click herefor more information on our admissions arrangements. } Year 7 Online Admissions Form 2020 6th Form About What We offer Overview Facilities Enrichment Activities 16 - 19 Bursary Careers A' Level Results Testimonials Admissions Dress Code … if (element.matches(selector)) { Absence data covers pupils aged 5 to 15 on 31 August 2018, and is for the full 2018/2019 academic year including the second half of the summer term. Applications are now closed. Many of the teachers have experience of examining. Since 2016, the school has seen a tenfold increase in Oxbridge offers for its students, the majority of whom are from ethnic minority backgrounds. Your email address will not be published. This is an academic Sixth Form, offering high quality A Level teaching. In many ways, Brampton Manor Academy 6th Form is not like other schools. The decision to base the results on mock exams and school averages meant that even with the consistently-high grades at Brampton Manor, some students have lost out on their first choices. The evolution of Normalization theories is illustrated below.
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