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Causes Some content is licensed under a Creative Commons license, and other content is completely copyright-protected. Later, in the 19th century, Las Casas inspired both Father Hidalgo, the father of Mexican independence, and Simón Bolívar, the liberator of South America. During the 15th and 17th centuries Europe was changing rapidly and had its own reasons for growth. Europe wanted to find a new trade route to Asia because they wanted the silk, spices, jewels, and riches from China and India that were very valuable. Bartolomé wanted to see him and the “Indians,” as they were called, as they paraded to the church. Also, Europeans were forced to look elsewhere for their demand in slaves. He also claimed part of what is now California for England, ignoring Spain’s claims to the area. During these wars, they used a lot of...Download file to see next pages Read More Are not these peoplealso human beings? Fourth, the Spanish carried diseases that caused deadly epidemics among the Aztecs. As a result, there was less interest, at first, in starting colonies in that region. Noche Triste (June 30-July 1, 1520) European explorers changed the world in many dramatic ways. Las Casas argued that: • Indians, like all human beings, have rights to life and liberty.• The Spanish stole Indian land through bloody and unjust wars.• There is no such thing as a good encomienda.• Indians have the right to make war against the Spanish. “European overseas expansion after 1600 entered a second phase, comparable to developments at home. Labor, too, was given a money value. European rulers believed that building up wealth was the best way to increase a nation’s power. They did not have good ways of knowing where Beginning in about 1418, Henry sent explorers to sea almost every year. First, Aztec legend had predicted the arrival of a white-skinned god. However, Muslims controlled the land trade route because it was geographically located between Europe and Asia; Europeans had difficulty traveling by land to Asia because they had religious conflicts with the Muslims. Merchants gained great wealth by trading and selling goods from around the world. It was a political alliance that maintained the second half of the fifteenth century. . Days would have run together, with no sounds but the voices of the captain and the crew, the creaking of the sails, the blowing wind, and the splash of waves against the ship’s hull. The Aztecs ran out of food and water, yet they fought desperately. Las Casas shared this goal. Christopher Columbus tried to reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic. Explorers saw the chance to earn fame and glory, as well as wealth. Bartolomé de las Casas experienced a remarkable change of heart during his lifetime. The Enlightenment began in the late 1600s. New weaponry and sailing aide that was being created was a technological factor. Having colonies was a key part of this policy. The Triangle Trade was another trading system between New England the West Indies and West Africa. In Mexico, for example, there were about twenty-five million native people in 1519. There were many reasons for Europe to grow and expand, some of the causes for Europe… Cause & Effect of European Exploration. By the 1500s, Europeans made globes, showing Earth as a sphere. They traveled to Africa, past the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. You can get your Search for spices (nutmeg, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, etc.) By the early 1600s, Europeans had set up a number of trading posts in North America. Instead, he encouraged exploration and planned and directed many important expeditions. A number of advances during that time made it easier for explorers to venture into the unknown. Money became more important as precious metals flowed into Europe. Cortés now controlled the Aztec capital. European explorers like Cortez were motivated by fame and riches, which is evident by the horrors they unleashed on Native people across the planet. What were the effects of the age of exploration? Such a water route would allow ships to sail from Europe to Asia without entering waters controlled by Spain. He also started a school of navigation where sailors and mapmakers could learn their trades. The Europeans also brought plants and animals over to the Americas. In particular, trade with Asia for luxuries such as silks, spices, gold, and jewels that were not available in Europe was lucrative business. This meant that the price of an item depended on how much of the item was available and how many people wanted to buy it. There is the first difference in reasons: Zheng He was doing something for China that would have been done anyways, but if Columbus himself did not pursue the voyage then history probably would have turned out quite different. The soldiers had to fight their way out of the city. They sailed west from England, Spain, and Portugal to North America. They acquired territory where necessary to further their commerce but Enlightenment thinkers used observation and reason to try to solve problems in society. Discoveries by explorers gave mapmakers new information with which to work. The Americas, in turn, made important contributions to Europe and the rest of the world. However, Muslims controlled the land trade route because it was geographically located between Europe and Asia; Europeans had difficulty traveling by land to Asia because they had religious conflicts with the Muslims. Increasingly, people began working for hire instead of directly providing for their own needs. Many of them were killed during the escape. After a hard winter in the icy bay, some of Hudson’s crew rebelled. How long would it take to get there? By increasing Europe’s food supply, these crops helped create population growth. European mapmakers used Ptolemy’s work as a basis for drawing more accurate maps. The Spanish conquests had a major impact on the New World. In 1497, he landed in what is now Canada. The colonization of Brazil also had a negative impact on Africa. With the help of a sailor who knew the route to India from there, they were able to across the Indian Ocean. In April 1532, the Incan emperor, Atahualpa (ah–tuh–WAHL–puh), greeted the Spanish as guests. Inventions help sailors Overall the Europeans went on an exploration for a reason which is what they encountered. Four factors contributed to the defeat of the Aztec Empire. Caravels also used lateen sails, a triangular style adapted from Muslim ships. Chritopher Columbus himself was attempting to do just that. Las Casas recorded the sermon in one of his books, History of the Indies. What were the causes of the age of exploration quizlet? New centers of commerce developed in the port cities of the Netherlands and England. . As a result of exploration, more goods, raw materials, and precious metals entered Europe. The most important Renaissance geographer, Gerardus Mercator (mer-KAY-tur), created maps using improved lines of longitude and latitude. Soon, this type of shared ownership was applied to other kinds of businesses. Two problems sailors faced before the 1400s were a. I am going to list some examples of why Europeans were interested in discovering new lands and markets. The Native Americans land was stolen from them and slaves were taken back to Europe. In 1520, he left the city of Tenochtitlán to battle a rival Spanish force. On land, the weapons of native peoples often were no match for European guns, armor, and horses. Kings and queens wanted to gain wealth - to build larger European exploration was promoted by factors economic, technologic, political, and religious in different ways. armies and navies to dominate other countries. They wanted to find a northwest passage. One historian called this sermon “the first cry for justice in America” on behalf of the Indians. He took part in the conquest of Cuba. Sieur de la Salle travels to (founded) New Orleans and Texas into the Gulf of Mexico in 1682 There he obtained a load of cinnamon and pepper. That depended on the wind, the weather, and the distance. Scholars to make long voyages. Siege of Tenochtitlan One of the problems that were faced was that when they arrived in Western Europe, the products had been taxed so many times along the way that they were extremely expensive. other people at higher prices. Second, advances in knowledge and technology helped to make the Age of Exploration possible. Exploration: Cause and Effect The age of exploration was the time period that would change the world and be the catalyst for globalization and modernization. European traders had to solve their problem with Muslimcontrolled land - going by sea around Muslim-controlled The cause of European expansion was due to the overseas discovery, the growth in population and price inflation of all goods. The Age of Exploration, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment helped to shape the world we live in today.

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